Intermediate Sentence bundle 6
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吸食毒品會傷害身 體,真危險.
xī shí dúpǐn huì shānghài shēntǐ ,zhēn wēixiǎn .
Using drugs harms your body, it's really dangerous.

xiǎo cháng shòu le huài péngyou de yǐngxiǎng duì yān jiǔ shàng yǐn .
Little Zhang got influenced by bad friends, he got addicted to cigarettes and alcohol.

wǒmen yīnggāi miànduì kùnnan ér búshì táobì xiànshí .
We should face our difficulties and not avoid reality.

wèile jiǎnqīng tā de bìng tā juédìng jiè yān .
In order to lose weight he decided to give up smoking.

ànzhào yá yī de shuōfa yītiān dé shuā sāncì yá .
According to what dentists say we should brush our teeth tree times daily.

多感謝少抱怨才能當 一個成功的人.
duō gǎnxiè shǎo bàoyuàn cáinéng dāng yīgè chénggōng de rén .
Only if you complain less you will be successful.

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