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Sentences for High Intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners with vocabulary from SCTOP Level4 Wordlist.

Intermediate High 4

養成    [yǎng chéng]    /form/acquire/cultivate/
女士    [nǚ shì]    /lady/madam/
保持    [bǎo chí]    /to keep/to maintain/to hold/to preserve/
避免    [bì miǎn]    /to avert/to prevent/to avoid/to refrain from/
零食    [líng shí]    /(n) snack/
減少    [jiǎn shǎo]    /to lessen/to decrease/to reduce/to lower/
應酬    [yìng chou]    /(v)  social interaction/(n) banquet or dinner party/
甚至    [shèn zhì]    /even/so much so that/
計算    [jì suàn]    /to count/to calculate/to compute/
熱量    [rè liàng]    /calorie count/
媒體    [méi tǐ]    /(news) media/
享    [xiǎng]    /enjoy/
用    [yòng]    /to use/
中意    [zhōng yì]    /to take ones liking/
更別說[gèng bié shuō]    /not to mention/
其實    [qí shí]    /actually/that is not the case/in fact/really/
固定    [gù dìng]    /fixed/set/regular/
不至於    [bù zhì yú]    /cannot go so far/be unlikely/
至於    [zhì yú]    /go so far as to/as for/as to/
稍微    [shāo wēi]    /a little bit/
總比    [zǒng bǐ]    /always comparing/

對沒養成運 動習慣的女士來說,如何保持身材真是一大挑戰。他們避免甜食,放棄零食減少應酬甚至每一塊要進口的食物都得計算熱量
有位女明告訴媒體,她二十年 來都沒享用過自己中意的飲料,更別說大飯了。其實我以為日子大可不必過的那麼辛苦,  只要每天有固定的活動量, 身體就不至於横 著發展,至於到中年稍微發福,那也算不了什麼, 總比乾乾瘦瘦的好看吧!

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