High  Intermediate Wordlist

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Chinese Pinyin Meaning
āi inj.: mild exclamation/sigh, Gosh!; My!
愛好 àihào hobby, interest
愛好 àihào love, like, be fond of, be keen on
愛護 àihù cherish, treasure, take good care of
愛情 àiqíng love (between man and woman)
愛人 àirén lover, sweetheart
愛惜 àixí treasure
愛心 àixīn mercy, benevolence, pity
哎呀 āiya inj.: of wonder/admiration/shock
哎喲 āiyāo inj.: of surprise/pain
安定 āndìng stabilize
安慰 ānwèi comfort, console
安心 ānxīn feel at ease, be relieved, keep one's mind on sth.
àn press, push down
àn according to, in accordance with
àn dark, dim, dull, hidden, secret, unclear
按時 ànshí on time/schedule
按照 ànzhào according to, in the light of, on the basis of
暗中 ànzhōng in secret, surreptitiously, in the dark
骯髒 āngzhāng dirty
áo boil, stew, decoct, endure, hold out, stay up late or the whole night
uproot, pull out, draw, lift
(1) Measure word for a quantity of something that can be held in one hand; (2) Measure word for an action done with the hand to indicate its quickness.
把握 băwò assurance, certainty
把握 băwò grasp firmly
罷工 bàgōng go on strike
罷了 bàle particle: elucidating a previous proposition so as to diminish its effect
白(白) bái(bái) in vain, without results
băi (1) sway, swing, wave; (2) place, put, arrange; (3) set up for show; lay bare, display, assume
擺脫 băituō break away from, cast away (old ideas, etc.), get rid of, to break out (of)
bài lose, be defeated, beat, ruin
bài do obeisance, salute, make courtesy call
拜訪 bàifăng pay visit,call on
拜年 bàinián pay New Year's call, wish sb. Happy New Year
拜託 bàituō request sb. to do sth.
bān sort, kind, way
bān (1) Measure word for scheduled means of transport; (2) Measure word for the work in shifts.
班機 bānjī airliner, regular air service, scheduled flight
搬運 bānyùn move, transport
班長 bānzhăng class monitor, squad leader, (work) team leader
bàn mix
辦公 bàngōng handle official business,work (usu. in an office)
辦理 bànlĭ handle, conduct, transact
半路 bànlù halfway, midway
辦事 bànshì handle affairs, work
半數 bànshù half
扮演 bànyăn play part of
半夜 bànyè midnight, (in) the middle of the night, half a night
傍晚 bāngwăn dusk, nightfall
榜樣 băngyàng example, model
bàng pound
bàng Measure word for hitting something with a stick-like stuff.
棒子 bàngzi stick,club,cudgel
包括 bāokuò include, consist of, comprise, incorporate
包裹 bāoguǒ bundle, parcel, package
包含 bāohán contain, embody, include
包裝 bāozhuāng pack, dress up
包裝 bāozhuāng packing, packaging, package
băo keep, protect
寶寶 băobăo precious/darling baby
寶貝 băobèi treasured object, treasure, darling, baby, cowry
保持 băochí keep, maintain, preserve
保存 băocún preserve, conserve, keep
寶貴 băoguì precious/darling baby
保護 băohù protect, safeguard
保留 băoliú continue to have, retain, hold back, reserve
保守 băoshǒu conservative
保衛 băowèi defend, safeguard
保險 băoxiăn insurance
保養 băoyăng take good care of one's health, maintain, keep in good repair
保障 băozhàng ensure,safeguard
保障 băozhàng protection, safeguard, indemnification
保證/証 băozhèng guarantee
保證/証 băozhèng guarantee
bào hold (a particular opinion or belief)
bào (1) report, reply; (2) to hit back (at sb. or sth.), recompense
報仇 bàochóu revenge, avenge
報答 bàodá repay, requite
報導 bàodăo report
報到 bàodào report for duty, check in, register
報告 bàogào report, speech, (student) term paper
報告 bàogào report, make known
報警 bàojĭng report (an incident) to the police
暴力 bàolì violence, force
報名 bàomíng enter one's name, sign up
報社 bàoshè newspaper office
抱怨 bàoyuàn complain, grumble
爆炸 bàozhà explode, blow up
暴躁 bàozào petulant, irascible, explosive
悲劇 bēijù tragedy
悲痛 bēitòng grieve, sorrow, painfully sad
背包 bēibāo knapsack, rucksack, field pack, shoulder bag, blanket roll
北部 běibù northern part
北方 běifāng north, northern part of country
bèi times, -fold
bèi prepare, get ready, be equipped with, have
被動 bèidòng passive
背後 bèihòu behind, in the rear, behind/at the back
背景 bèijĭng background, backdrop
背面 bèimiàn the reverse side, the wrong side, rear, the back
輩子 bèizi all one's life,lifetime
bēn go straight towards, head for, approach, be getting close to
奔跑 bēnpăo run
běn [formal]this, one's own
本來 běnlái original
本領 běnlĭng capability, skill, ability
本人 běnrén I, me, myself, oneself, in person
本土 běntŭ one's native country, metropolitan territory
笨重 bènzhòng awkward
force, press for, press on towards
Measure word for : (1) handwriting or painting; (2) a sum of money or an account, etc.
彼此 bĭcĭ each other, one another
比方 bĭfāng for instance
比方 bĭfāng analogy, instance, supposition, illustration by example
比方說 bĭfāngshuō for instance
筆記 bĭjì notes, short sketches
比較 bĭjiào contrast, comparasion
比較 bĭjiào compare, contrast
比例 bĭlì proportion, scale
比如 bĭrú for example
比如說 bĭrúshuō for instance
筆試 bĭshì take a written test
shut, close, stop up, obstruct
畢竟 bìjìng after all, when all is said and done
避免 bìmiăn avoid, refrain from, avert
必須 bìxū necessary, required
必要 bìyào necessary, indispensable
必要 bìyào need
biān weave, plait, organize, group, edit, compile, write, compose, fabricate
biān two or more bi1n used before verbs to express the simultaneous progression or development of two or more actions
鞭炮 biānpào firecrackers, string of small firecrackers
biăn flat
便 biàn then, in that case, as early/little as, as soon as
變動 biàndòng change, alternation
變動 biàndòng change, fluctuate
變更 biàngēng change, modify
便利 biànlì facilitate
便條 biàntiáo [informal] note
標題 biāotí title, heading, headline, caption
標誌 biāozhì sign,mark,symbol
標準 biāozhŭn standard
標準 biāozhŭn standard, criterion
表達 biăodá express, convey ,voice
表弟 biăodì younger male cousin of different surname
表哥 biăogē older male cousin of different surname
表格 biăogé form, table
表妹 biăomèi younger female cousin of different surname
表面 biăomiàn surface, face, outside, appearance
表情 biăoqíng a facial expression, countenance
表示 biăoshì show, express, indicate
表揚 biăoyáng praise, commend
bīng feel cold, put on ice
冰淇淋 bīngqílín ice cream
bĭng third, third of the ten Heavenly Stems
bìng [formal]and
bìng actually, truly
病毒 bìngdú virus
病房 bìngfáng hospital ward, sickroom
並且 bìngqiě and, besides, moreover
turn, stir, poke, move with hand/foot/stick/etc.
菠菜 bōcài spinach
波動 bōdòng undulate, fluctuate
玻璃 bōlí glass
thin, flimsy, weak, light, lacking in warmth, cold, infertile
伯伯 bóbo father's elder brother, uncle
伯父 bófù father's older brother, uncle (address to male of father's generation)
伯母 bómŭ wife of father's elder brother, aunt
薄弱 bóruò frail, weak
博士 bóshì Ph.D. , court academician, master of any trade/craft
博物館 bówùguăn museum
脖子 bózi neck
不大 búdà not very, not too
不當 búdàng unsuitable, inappropriate
不到 búdào be less than
不斷 búduàn unceasing, continuous
不斷 búduàn unceasingly, continuously
不顧 búgù ignore
不過 búguò only, merely
不過 búguò no more than
不見得 bújiàndé not necessarily/likely
不利 búlì unfavorable, detrimental, unsuccessful
不論 búlùn no matter how/who/what/etc.
不幸 búxìng unfortunate
不用說 búyòngshuō it goes without saying; needless to say; as a matter of course
不再 búzài no more/longer
catch, seize, arrest
mend, patch, supplementary
補償 bŭcháng compensate
補充 bŭchōng replenish, supplement
補課 bŭkè give students an special class or tutori, supplement a lesson, make up a missed lesson
補習 bùxí take lessons after school/work
補助 bŭzhù subsidization
補助 bŭzhù subsidize
stages in a process
不安 bùān be anxious, be uneasy, be restless
不成 bùchéng cannot, should not, must not
不得不 bùdébù cannot but, have to
不得已 bùdéyĭ have no alternative
部隊 bùduì army, troops
不敢當 bùgăndāng not be deserving of
布/佈告 bùgào notice, bulletin
布/佈告欄 bùgàolán bulletin board
不合 bùhé conflict with (opinioon, rules, etc.),
不僅 bùjĭn not only
不良 bùliáng bad, harmful
不滿 bùmăn resentful, dissatisfied
部門 bùmén department, branch, classification
不平 bùpíng dissatisfied, unfair, uneven
不然 bùrán otherwise, if not, or else
不如 bùrú it would be better to
不如 bùrú be unequal/inferior to
不停 bùtíng continuously
不許 bùxŭ forbid, do not permit
不許 bùxŭ disallow
不宜 bùyí be unsuitable
不由得 bùyóude can't help
部長 bùzhăng minister, head of a section
不止 bùzhǐ not be limited (to), endless
不只 bùzhǐ not only, not merely
布/佈置 bùzhì arrange, fix up, assign
不准 bùzhŭn disallow
不足 bùzú not be enough, not be worth (doing sth.), cannot, should not
財產 cáichăn property
財富 cáifù wealth, fortune, riches
材料 cáiliào material, data, stuff, ingredients
才能 cáinéng ability, talent
裁判 cáipàn judge, referee, umpire
căi step on, trample
căi pick, gather
採購 căigòu purchase
彩色 căisè colorful
採用 căiyòng select for use, employ, adopt
參考 cānkăo consult, refer to
倉庫 cāngkù warehouse, godown, granary, treasury vault
cán silkworm
慚愧 cánkuì ashamed
căn miserable, pitiful, tragic, cruel, savage
cáng hide, conceal, store, lay by
操場 cāochăng playground, sportsground ,drill ground
操心 cāoxīn trouble about, take pains, worry, care, take trouble, wrack one's brains, worry about
操作 cāozuò operate, manipulate
測量 cèliáng measure, survey
策略 cèlüè tactics
測試 cèshì survey, measure and test
測驗 cèyàn test
測驗 cèyàn test, quiz
céng Partial measure word for : (1) the storeys of a building; (2) an outer covering.
céng once, ever, before
曾經 céngjīng once, ever
chā insert, interpose
chā difference
差別 chābié difference
差錯 chācuò mistake, error, mishap
插花 chāhuā decorate with flowers, insert/arrange flowers
差距 chājù spatial difference
插圖 chātú book illustrations/pictures
差異 chāyì difference,divergence,discrepancy,diversity
茶館(兒) cháguăn(er) teahouse
茶會 cháhuì tea party
茶葉 cháyè tea leaves
chāi tear open,take apart,pull down,dismantle
chăn produced
產量 chănliàng output, yield
產生 chănshēng come into being, produce, engender, emerge
產業 chănyè estate, property, industry
cháng to taste
cháng taste, experience, come to know
長處 chángchù forte, strong/good points
長度 chángdù length
長方形 chángfāngxíng rectangle
長久 chángjiŭ for a long time, permanently
長期 chángqí long period of time, long-term
常識 chángshì general knowledge, common sense
嘗/嚐試 chángshì try
嘗/嚐試 chángshì attempt, try
長途 chángtú long distance
chăng Measure word for the course of an event or certain action.
場地 chăngdì space, place, site
場合 chănghé occasion, situation
廠商 chăngshāng firm, business
場所 chăngsuŏ place, arena
chāo copy, transcribe, plagiarize, lift, search and confiscate, go off with, take shortcut, fold (one's arms), grab, take up
超出 chāochū exceed, go beyond, overstep
超過 chāoguò outstrip, surpass, exceed
超級 chāojí super
鈔票 chāopiào bank note, paper money, bill
超人 chāorén superman
抄寫 chāoxiě copy, transcribe
超越 chāoyuè exceed
超重 chāozhòng be overweight, overweight
cháo facing, towards
潮流 cháoliú trend
潮溼/濕 cháoshī moist, damp
chăo stir-fry, fry
吵架 chăojià quarrel, have a row/spat
吵鬧 chăonào wrangle, kick up a row
車禍 chēhuò traffic accident
車票 chēpiào ticket (for train/bus)
chě pull, tear
徹底 chèdǐ complete, thorough
chén sink, keep down, lower
陳列 chénliè display, exhibit
chèn while
chēng prop up, brace, push/move with a pole, maintain, keep up
chēng call
chéng ride
chéng accomplish, succeed
chéng a tenth of
成本 chéngběn cost
成分/份 chéngfèn composition, component part, ingredient, class/economic status
成果 chéngguǒ achievement, gain, positive result
成交 chéngjiāo close a deal
成就 chéngjiù achievement, accomplishment, success
乘客 chéngkè passenger
誠懇 chéngkěn sincere
成立 chénglì found, establish
承認 chéngrèn admit, acknowledge, recognize, give diplomatic recognition
成熟 chéngshú ripe, mature
成天 chéngtiān all day long, all the time
成為 chéngwéi become, turn into
呈現 chéngxiàn present, appear, emerge
程序 chéngxù procedure, order, course, sequence,program
誠意 chéngyì good faith, sincerity
成語 chéngyŭ set phrase, idiom
成長 chéngzhăng grow up, mature
吃喝玩樂 chīhēwánlè idle away one's time in pleasure-seeking ,eat
吃虧 chīkuī suffer loss, come to grief
chí late
遲早 chízăo sooner or later
chĭ rule,ruler,ruler-like instrument
尺寸 chĭcùn dimension,measurement
翅膀 chìbăng wing
chōng pour boiling water on, rinse, flush, charge, rush, dash, clash, collide, develop (film)
充分/份 chōngfèn full,ample,abundant
充滿 chōngmăn be brimming/permeated with
充實 chōngshí substantiate,enrich,replenish
充足 chōngzú adequate; sufficient; abundant; ample
蟲(子) chóng(zi) worm,insect
chóng again,once more
崇拜 chóngbài worship,adore
崇高 chónggāo lofty,sublime
重新 chóngxīn again,anew,afresh
抽屜 chōutì drawer
抽煙/菸 chōuyān smoke (pipe/etc.)
chóu worry,be anxious/grieved
chŏu ugly,unsightly
chū at the beginning of, in the early part of
chū first, just
chū go/come out,exit
chū exceed,go beyond
出版 chūbăn come off the press,publish,come out
初步 chūbù initial,preliminary,tentative
初步 chūbù initially,preliminarily,tentatively
出差 chūchāi be away on official business or on a bus,be on a business trip,be away on official business
出產 chūchăn produce,manufacture
初級 chūjí elementary, primary
出境 chūjìng leave country,leave the country
出口 chūkŏu exit
出門 chūmén be away from home,go on journey,go out
出色 chūsè outstanding,remarkable,splendid
出身 chūshēn class origin,family background;one's previous experience/occupation
出生 chūshēng be born
出事 chūshì meet with mishap,have accident,meet with a mishap,have an accident
出售 chūshòu offer for sale,sell
出席 chūxí attend,be present
出院 chūyuàn leave hospital
出租 chūzū hire,let,rent
chú except
chú get rid of,eliminate,remove
chú (Math.) to divide
儲存 chúcún lay in/up,store,stockpile
除非 chúfēi only if/when, unless
廚師 chúshī cook,chef
除夕 chúxì New Year's Eve
儲蓄 chúxù save,deposit
chŭ be situated in,be in a certain condition,dwell,live
處罰 chŭfá punish,penalize
處理 chŭlĭ handle,deal with,dispose of,process
chù (1) Measure word for a particular landscape or location; (2) Measure word for a part of human body; (3) Individual measure word for a quilt, padded mattress, sheet, etc.
處處 chùchù everywhere,in all respects
chuán pass (on),hand down,impart,teach,spread,transmit
傳播 chuánbò disseminate,propagate,spread
傳達 chuándá pass on,transmit,communicate
傳單 chuándān leaflet, handbill
chuáng Individual measure word for buildings.
chuáng Individual measure word for a quilt, padded mattress, sheet, etc.
床單 chuángdān bedclothes, bedcover, counterpane, bedsheet, bedspread, bed linen
傳染 chuánrăn infect,be contagious
傳說 chuánshuō it is said, they say
傳說 chuánshuō legend
傳送 chuánsòng transmit,deliver
傳統 chuántŏng tradition
傳統 chuántŏng traditional
傳真 chuánzhēn fax
傳真 chuánzhēn fax, facsimile
窗口 chuāngkŏu window,wicket,ticket window
chuăng rush,dash,charge,temper oneself (by battling difficulties)
創造 chuàngzào create,produce,bring about
創作 chuàngzuò creative work,creation
春季 chūnjì spring, springtime
春假 chūnjià spring vacation/holidays
chún pure,simple
磁帶 cídài magnetic tape
詞典 cídiăn dictionary
此外 cĭwài besides, in addition, moreover
thorn, splinter
刺激 cìjī provoking, exciting
刺激 cìjī stimulate, provoke, irritate, upset
刺激 cìjī stimulation
次數 cìshù number of times, frequency
cóng usually
從不 cóngbù never
從此 cóngcĭ henceforth,thereupon
從沒 cóngméi not yet
從事 cóngshì be engaged in, deal with, go in for
從小 cóngxiăo from childhood, as a child
còu gather together, pool, collect, happen by chance, take advantage of, move close to, press near
wide (in diameter),thick
cuī urge, hurry, press, hasten, expedite
粗心 cūxīn careless
cún store, deposit (money)
存款 cúnkuăn deposit, bank saving
存在 cúnzài exist, be
促進 cùjìn promote, accelerate
cùn a unit of length equal to one-third decimeter
cuō rub with hand
錯過 cuòguò miss,let slip
錯字 cuòzì wrongly written characters, misprint
挫折 cuòzhé frustration,setback
travel by or take (a conveyance)
answer, reply, return (a call/etc.), reciprocate
答案 dáàn answer, solution, key
達成 dáchéng reach (an agreement)
達到 dádào achieve, reach, attain
a dozen of
打扮 dăbàn dress/make up, deck out, pose as
打包 dăbāo pack, bale, unpack, package, box, load down
打斷 dăduàn break
打工 dăgōng work part-time while studying in college/etc.
打架 dăjià fight, scuffle, come to blows
打擾 dărăo disturb, trouble
打算 dăsuàn plan
打聽 dătīng inquire/ask about
打仗 dăzhàng wage war, fight battle
打招呼 dăzhāohū say hello, greet sb.
打折 dăzhé tuck, sell at a discount
打針 dăzhēn give an injection, have an injection
打字 dăzì do typing work, typewritten, typewrite, type
大半 dàbàn more than half
大大 dàdà great, greatly
大膽 dàdăn audacious, bold, daring
大地 dàdì earth, mother earth
大都 dàdōu for the most part, mostly
大多數 dàduōshù most of, the majority of
大方 dàfāng (1) generous; (2) elegant and composed, natural and poised
大哥 dàgē eldest brother, gang leader
大哥大 dàgēdà portable/cellular telephone
大會 dàhuì rally, plenary meeting, conference
大街 dàjiē main street
大力 dàlì with great exertion
大量 dàliàng large quantity, a great deal, considerable, mass
大門 dàmén main entrance/door/gate
大腦 dànăo cerebrum
大清早 dàqīngzăo very early morning
大嫂 dàsăo wife of eldest brother, polite name for woman about one's own age
大腿 dàtuĭ thigh
大小 dàxiăo size
大型 dàxíng large-size (machines/factories/etc.)
大意 dàyì careless
大有 dàyŏu have
大約 dàyuē about, around, probably, likely
大自然 dàzìrán nature
大眾 dàzhòng the people/masses
大致 dàzhì roughly
dài take the place of
dài period, generation
代表 dàibiăo represent, indicate
帶動 dàidòng drive, spur on, bring along
大夫 dàifū doctor, physician
代溝 dàigōu generation gap
待會(兒) dàihuĭ(er) shortly, in a little while
代價 dàijià price, cost (of doing sth.)
貸款 dàikuăn loan
貸款 dàikuăn grant a loan, credit
帶來 dàilái bring, bring about
代理 dàilĭ act as agent/proxy
帶領 dàilĭng lead (army/party/etc.), guide
帶路 dàilù show the way, lead way, lead the way, show way, act as a guide
代替 dàitì take the place of, substitute for
待遇 dàiyù treatment (salary/etc.)
帶子 dàizi belt
dān singly, alone
擔保 dānbăo pledge, guaranty, assurance, security, sponsion, surety, wager, cover, warranty, guarantee
單純 dānchún simple, pure, plain, artless
單調 dāndiào monotonous, dull, drab, boring
擔任 dānrèn assume office of, take charge of
單身 dānshēn unmarried, single
單位 dānwèi unit of measurement
耽誤 dānwù delay, hold up
單子 dānzi list, bill, form, bed sheet
膽量 dănliàng courage, guts
dàn but, yet, still, nevertheless, only, merely
蛋白質 dànbáizhí protein
誕生 dànshēng be born, come into being, emerge
當場 dāngchăng on the spot, then and there
當初 dāngchū at that time
當地 dāngdì locality, the place (named/mentioned/etc.)
當面 dāngmiàn face to face, in one's presence
當年 dāngnián that year, those years, bygone years, prime of life
當時 dāngshí at that time, then
當天 dāngtiān same day, that very day
當選 dāngxuăn get elected
當中 dāngzhōng [aspect]in the course of
當做 dāngzuò consider/treat as
當作 dāngzuò consider/treat as
dăng ward off, block, get in the way of
檔案 dăngàn file, record, dossier, archives
dàng to pawn
dăo island, isle
導演 dăoyăn direct ( film/play/etc.)
導演 dăoyăn director
dào pour
dào (1)actually(2)back, in reverse order
dào Individual measure word for : (1) fences, doors, walls, etc; (2) strip-shaped things; (3) orders, procedures, questions, etc.
到達 dàodá reach, arrive
道德 dàodé morality, ethics, morals
到底 dàodĭ to the end
道教 dàojiào Daoism (as a religion)
道路 dàolù road, way, path
道歉 dàoqiàn apologize
倒是 dàoshì actually, contrariwise
得分 défēn score
得獎 déjiăng win a prize
得了 déle well! well! ; it's enough! ; have done with it!
得意 déyì be proud of, be exalted, be complacent
得罪 dézuì offend, displease
dēng publish, record
dēng ascend, climb, mount, step on
燈光 dēngguāng lamplight
登記 dēngjì register, check in
登山 dēngshān mountaineering
等不及 děngbùjí be too late to wait
等待 děngdài wait for, await
等到 děngdào until
等等 děngděng and so on, etc
等級 děngjí grade, rank, order and degree, social status
等於 děngyú be equal/tantamount to
凳子 dèngzi stool, bench
Partial measure word for a small round or pear-shaped blob of liquid, usually falling.
的確 díquè certainly, surely
敵人 dírén enemy
(1)resist,prop up;(2)balance,be equal to
抵達 dĭdá reach, arrive at
抵抗 dĭkàng resist, stand up to
forward, transmit, alternate
地板 dìbăn floorboard, floor
地帶 dìdài zone, belt, district, region
地點 dìdiăn place, site, locale
地理 dìlĭ geography, geographical features of a place
地面 dìmiàn (earth's) surface, ground, floor, region
地球 dìqiú the earth/globe
地攤 dìtān stall with goods spread out on ground for sale
地毯 dìtăn carpet, rug
地鐵 dìtiě subway, underground (railway)
地位 dìwèi position, status
地下 dìxià underground, secret activity
地形 dìxíng topography, terrain
地震 dìzhèn earthquake
典禮 diănlĭ ceremony, celebration
diăn Partial measure word for suggestion, explanation, etc.
點燃 diănrán light, kindle, ignite
點頭 diăntóu nod one's head
典型 diănxíng typical, representative
diàn put sth. under sth. else, fill up, advance money
電報 diànbào telegram, cable
電池 diànchí (electric) cell, battery
電動 diàndòng electric
電扇 diànshàn electric fan
電視台 diànshìtái TV station
電台 diàntái broadcasting station
電梯 diàntī elevator
電線 diànxiàn (electric) wire
店員 diànyuán shop assistant, (sales) clerk
電子 diànzĭ electron
雕刻 diāokè carve, engrave
雕刻 diāokè statue
diào hang, lift up or let down with rope/etc., mourn, put in a fur lining, revoke, withdraw
diào fish with hook and line, angle
調查 diàochá investigate, look into, survey
dié fall, tumble
dié drop, fall
跌倒 diédăo fall, tumble
dīng fourth, fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems
dīng gaze/stare at
dìng subscribe to, book (seats)
訂婚 dìnghūn be betrothed, be engaged, troth, betroth, plight
定期 dìngqí periodical, regular
定期 dìngqí fixed (of time), periodically, regularly
訂位 dìngwèi engage, book, reserve
丟臉 diūliăn lose face, reflect, be disgraced, humiliate
丟人 diūrén lose face, be disgraced
東北 dōngběi the northeast
東部 dōngbù east
東方 dōngfāng east
冬季 dōngjì winter
東南 dōngnán southeast
懂得 dǒngde understand, know
懂事 dǒngshì sensible
dòng hole, cavity
dòng freeze, feel very cold, be frostbitten
dòng Individual measure word for buildings.
動不動 dòngbúdòng easily, at the slightest provocation, frequently, at every turn
動詞 dòngcí verb
動人 dòngrén moving, touching
動身 dòngshēn set out on a journey
動手 dòngshǒu strike, hit
動作 dòngzuò demeanor, motion, behavior, performance, operation, looseness, agency, gesticulation, movement, comportment, business, action
dòu tease, play with, amuse
豆腐 dòufŭ beancurd
豆漿 dòujiāng soybean milk
鬥爭 dòuzhēng battle, fight
都市 dūshì city
poison, toxin, narcotics
(1)poisonous; (2)malicious, murderous, with hate or intention to harm; (3)cruel,ruthless
獨立 dúlì stand alone
毒品 dúpǐn narcotics, drugs
獨特 dútè unique, distinctive
獨自 dúzì alone, by oneself
讀者 dúzhě reader
gamble, bet
spend (holidays), pass (time)
duān hold sth. level, carry
duàn break, cut off, break off
鍛鍊 duànliàn engage in physical exercise, temper, steel, toughen
duī Collective measure word for : (1) a large number of people gathering together; (2) a mass of things in piles.
duī pile/heap up
duì Collective measure word for people or fowls in orderly ranks.
對岸 duìàn other side of river
對策 duìcè way to deal with a situation
對待 duìdài treat, approach, handle
對付 duìfù deal/cope with, counter, tackle, make do
對話 duìhuà dialogue
對抗 duìkàng resist, oppose
對立 duìlì oppose, set sth. against, be antagonist to
對象 duìxiàng target, object
對於 duìyú (in regard) to, toward, at, for
隊員 duìyuán team member
dūn squat on heels, stay
dùn Measure word for reprimanding or criticizing.
dùn ton
多半(兒) duōbàn(er) probably, most likely
多多 duōduō
多多少少 duōduōshăoshăo somewhat, to some extent, more or less
多少 duōshăo somewhat, to some extent, more or less
多數 duōshù majority
多謝 duōxiè thank you very much
duó take by force, seize, wrest, force one's way, contend for, deprive
duŏ hide (oneself), avoid, dodge
é inj.: softly chant (poem); recite (poem) with cadence
惡劣 èliè vile, nasty
ér and yet
而且 érqiě furthermore, besides ,moreover
而已 éryĭ particle : imparting finality (that's all)
send out, deliver, start, set out, begin
develop, expand, open up, discover, expose, show one's feeling
發表 fābiăo publish, issue
發財 fācái get rich, make a pile
發出 fāchū issue, send/give out
發達 fādá developed, flourishing
發動 fādòng mobilize, arouse
發抖 fādŏu shiver, shake, quiver, tremble
發揮 fāhuī bring into play, give free rein to, develop (idea/etc.), elaborate
發覺 fājué find, detect, discover
發明 fāmíng invention
發明 fāmíng invent, expound
發脾氣 fāpíqì lose temper, get angry
發起 fāqĭ initiate, sponsor, start, launch
發射 fāshè launch, project, discharge, shoot, transmit, emit
發行 fāxíng issue, publish, distribute, put on sale
發言 fāyán speak, make statement/speech
發揚 fāyáng develop, carry on, make most of
發音 fāyīn pronounce
發展 fāzhăn develop, expand, grow
punish, penalize
法子 fázi way, method
法律 fălǜ law, statute
髮型 făxíng haircut
法院 făyuàn court of justice, (law) court
fān (1)Measure word for the process of certain actions; (2)Individual measure word for the course of any action which takes time and energy; (3)Measure word for kindness, flavour, etc.
fān turn over, turn around, reverse
fān flip over, translate
翻譯 fānyì translate,interpret
fán trouble
煩惱 fánnăo vexation
煩惱 fánnăo vexed, worried
繁榮 fánróng flourishing, prosperous, booming
繁殖 fánzhí breed, reproduce, propagate
făn to oppose, turn against, criticize,counter,revolt,rebel,combat
făn opposite
反對 fănduì oppose, be against, combat, dispute
反而 fănér on the contrary, instead
反覆 fănfù repeatedly, over and over (again), again and again
返回 fănhuí return, come/go back
反抗 fănkàng revolt, resist
反面 fănmiàn reverse/wrong side, back, opposite, negative side
反問 fănwèn ask (a question) in reply
反映 fănyìng reflect, mirror
反應 fănyìng react, respond
反應 fănyìng reaction, response, repercussion
反正 fănzhèng anyway, anyhow, in any case
fàn criminal
犯法 fànfă violate law, break law, offend, violate the law, criminal, transgress, break the law
飯館(兒) fànguăn(er) restaurant
犯人 fànrén criminal, prisoner, convict
範圍 fànwéi scope, range, extent, parameter
犯罪 fànzuì commit crime/offense
fāng square
方案 fāngàn scheme, plan, program
fáng prevent, resist
房客 fángkè tenant
防守 fángshǒu defend, guard
房屋 fángwū houses, buildings
防止 fángzhĭ prevent, guard against, avoid
放大 fàngdà enlarge, magnify, amplify
放棄 fàngqì abandon, give up, renounce
放手 fàngshŏu let_go
放學 fàngxué finish classes (for the day)
fēi not
fēi not be, run counter to, not conform to
非法 fēifă illegal, unlawful, illicit
féi fat, fertile, rich
肥胖 féipàng fat, corpulent
肥皂 féizào soap
fèi cost, spend, expend
fèi lungs
廢話 fèihuà superfluous words, nonsense, rubbish
廢氣 fèiqì waste gas/steam, fume
廢水 fèishuǐ waste water, effluent
廢物 fèiwù a good-for-nothing
分別 fēnbié difference
分別 fēnbié distinguish, differentiate
分別 fēnbié leave each other
分別 fēnbié separately, respectively
分布/佈 fēnbù be distributed (over an area), be scattered
紛紛 fēnfēn in droves, numerous and in great confusion
吩咐 fēnfù tell, bid, order, instruct, enjoin, say
分工 fēngōng divide the work, to work together on a project but doing different things
分開 fēnkāi separate, part, break up
分明 fēnmíng clear, evident
分配 fēnpèi distribute, allot, assign
分散 fēnsàn disperse, scatter, decentralize
分手 fēnshǒu part company, say good-bye, break up
分數 fēnshù a mark, a grade, a score
分析 fēnxī analysis
分析 fēnxī analyze
粉筆 fěnbĭ chalk
份(兒) fèn(er) share, portion
奮鬥 fèndòu struggle, fight, strive
憤怒 fènnù indignant, angry
fēng spindle (of plants)
fēng seal
風格 fēnggé style
封建 fēngjiàn feudal, feudalistic
瘋狂 fēngkuáng insane, frenzied, unbridled
蜂蜜 fēngmì honey
風氣 fēngqì general mood, atmosphere, common practice
風趣 fēngqù humourous
風俗 fēngsú custom
風險 fēngxiăn risk, hazard
瘋子 fēngzi lunatic, madman
féng meet, come upon
féng stitch, sew
諷刺 fèngcì satirize, mock
佛教 fójiào Buddhism
否定 fŏudìng negate, deny
否認 fŏurèn deny, repudiate
否則 fŏuzé otherwise, if not, or else
夫婦 fūfù husband and wife
夫妻 fūqī husband and wife
夫人 fūrén Lady, Madame, Mrs.
support with hand
(1)take (medicine); (2)obey, submit (oneself) to
符號 fúhào symbol, mark ,insignia
符合 fúhé accord/tally with, conform to
福利 fúlì material benefits, well-being, welfare
服裝 fúzhuāng dress, clothing, costume
腐敗 fŭbài corrupt
輔導 fŭdăo coach, tutor
wealthy, abundant
go to, attend
Measure word for : (1) two things seen together or associated; (2)facial expressions.
付出 fùchū pay, expend
負擔 fùdān bear, shoulder
負擔 fùdān burden, load, encumbrance
附加 fùjiā add, attach
父母 fùmŭ father and mother, parents
婦女 fùnǚ women
富裕 fùyù plentiful, abundant, rich
複雜 fùzá complicated, complex
複製 fùzhì duplicate, reproduce
gāi [formal]that
改革 găigé reform
改進 găijìn improve
改善 găishàn improve, perfect
改天 găitiān on some other day
改造 găizào transform, reform, remold, remake
改正 găizhèng correct, amend

gài build, construct
概念 gàiniàn concept, conception, notion, idea
蓋子 gàizi lid, cover, cap, top, shell (of tortoise/etc.)
gān liver
乾杯 gānbēi pledge, wassail, toast
乾脆 gāncuì direct, forthright
găn (1)run after, pursue; (2)drive, drive away, expel
găn make dash for, rush for
感到 găndào feel, sense
感動 găndòng move, touch
感激 gănjī feel grateful/indebted
趕緊 gănjĭn hurriedly, losing no time
感情 gănqíng emotion, feeling, sentiment
感染 gănrăn infect, influence, affect
趕上 gănshàng overtake, run into (situation), be in time for
感受 gănshòu be affected by, experience, feel
感想 gănxiăng impression, reflections, thoughts
感興趣 gănxìngqù be interested in
gàn do, work, fight
gàn be engaged in
幹部 gànbù cadre, staff
幹嘛 gànmá do what
幹嘛 gànmá why on earth, whatever for
幹什麼 gànshéme why
gāng steel
鋼筆 gāngbĭ fountain pen
剛好 gānghăo exact, just right
鋼琴 gāngqín piano
港幣 găngbì Hong_Kong_dollar
港口 găngkŏu port, harbor
高潮 gāocháo upsurge, climax
高大 gāodà tall and big, great, massive
高度 gāodù highly, greatly
高度 gāodù altitude, height, high degree
高峰 gāofēng peak, height
高貴 gāoguì noble, high
高級 gāojí high-level, high-class, quality
高明 gāomíng brilliant, wise
高速 gāosù high-speed
高手 gāoshŏu expert, ace
高原 gāoyuán plateau, tableland
高中 gāozhōng senior high school
găo generalized doing: do/work/manage/etc.
gào accuse, go to law against
告辭 gàocí take leave
bear, stand, endure
歌劇 gējù opera
歌曲 gēqŭ song
歌星 gēxīng singing star
separate, cut off, impede
隔壁 gébì next door
革命 gémìng revoloution
革命 gémìng revolt
separately, differently
between a verb and its object to indicate momentum
個別 gèbié individual, specific
個兒 gèer stature
各行各業 gèhánggèyè all professions/trades
各式各樣 gèshìgèyàng all sorts/kinds,various
個性 gèxìng individual character, personality, specific property, particularity
個子 gèzi height, stature, build
根本 gēnběn at all, utterly
根本 gēnběn essence, foundation
根據 gēnjù basis, grounds, foundation
根據 gēnjù on the basis of, according to
更加 gèngjiā (even) more
gōng supply, feed, be for (the use/convenience of)
公布/佈 gōngbù promulgate, announce, publish
工廠 gōngchăng factory, mill, plant, works
工程 gōngchéng engineering project
工夫 gōngfu time
功夫 gōngfu time, kung fu
工會 gōnghuì trade/labor union
工具 gōngjù tool, instrument, implement
公開 gōngkāi make public, make known to public
公立 gōnglì public, established and maintained by the government
功能 gōngnéng function, competence
公平 gōngpíng fair, just, impartial
工錢 gōngqián pay
公式 gōngshì formula, form
工業 gōngyè industry
供應 gōngyìng supply
公用 gōngyòng be for public use
公用電話 gōngyòngdiànhuà pay phone
公元 gōngyuán Christian era
工資 gōngzī wages, pay
gòng together
gòng share with
共同 gòngtóng together, jointly
共同 gòngtóng common, joint
貢獻 gòngxiàn contribution
貢獻 gòngxiàn contribute, dedicate, devote
溝通 gōutōng communicate, link up
構成 gòuchéng constitute, form, compose, make up
購買 gòumăi purchase, buy
構造 gòuzào structure, construction
孤單 gūdān alone, friendless
姑姑 gūgū father's sister
估計 gūjì estimate, appraise, reckon
姑娘 gūniáng girl, daughter
ancient, age-old, not following current customs/practice
古代 gŭdài antiquity
古典 gŭdiăn classical
古蹟 gŭjī antiquity, high spot, national monument
古老 gŭlăo ancient, old
鼓勵 gŭlì encouragement
鼓勵 gŭlì encourage, urge
骨頭 gŭtou bone, strong character, person of a certain character
鼓舞 gŭwŭ inspire, hearten, dance for joy, rejoice
鼓掌 gŭzhăng clap one's hands, applaud
attend to, look after, take into consideration, visit, call on
固定 gùdìng flat, stabile, regular
顧客 gùkè customer, shopper,c lient
顧問 gùwèn adviser, consultant
故鄉 gùxiāng native place, hometown, birthplace
故意 gùyì intentional, willful
guā melon, gourd
瓜子 guāzi melon seed, melon seeds
掛號 guàhào register, registered
掛號信 guàhàoxìn registered letter/mail
guài quite, very
guài blame
guān Partial measure word for levels of activity, such as games.
觀察 guānchá observe, survey, inspect
觀點 guāndiăn point of view, standpoint
官方 guānfāng government, official
觀光 guānguāng go sightseeing, visit, tour
關鍵 guānjiàn key, crux
觀念 guānniàn sense, idea, conception
關上 guānshàng shut, steek, close
關於 guānyú about, with regard to, concerning
官員 guānyuán official
觀眾 guānzhòng spectator, audience
guăn run, manage, administer ,have charge of, subject to discipline, bother about
管道 guăndào pipeline, conduit, piping
管理 guănlǐ manage, supervise, take care of
管制 guănzhì control, put under surveillance
guàn habitual, customary
冠軍 guànjūn champion
慣例 guànlì usual practice
罐頭 guàntóu tin, can, canned goods
罐子 guànzi jug, jar, can
guāng bright, brilliant, shining
guāng naked, nude
guāng solely, merely, only
光亮 guāngliàng bright
光臨 guānglín be present
光明 guāngmíng bright, promising, openhearted, guileless
光榮 guāngróng honor, glory,c redit
光是 guāngshì
光線 guāngxiàn light, ray
guăng wide, vast, numerous
廣場 guăngchăng public square
廣大 guăngdà vast, wide, large-scale, wide-spread, numerous
廣泛 guăngfàn extensive, wide-ranging
廣告 guănggào advertise
廣告 guănggào advertisement
廣闊 guăngkuò vast, broad
guàng stroll, ramble, roam
逛街 guàngjiē window-shop
規定 guīdìng provide, formulate, fix, set
規定 guīdìng rules, disciplines, regulations
規畫/劃 guīhuà plan, program
規畫/劃 guīhuà program, plan
規矩 guījŭ rule, custom
規律 guīlǜ law, regular pattern
規模 guīmó scale, scope
規則 guīzé rule, regulation
guǐ ghost, spirit
guì kneel (on both knees)
櫃臺/台 guìtái counter
櫃子 guìzi cupboard, cabinet
貴族 guìzú noble, aristocrat
gŭn roll, trundle, get away, beat it
鍋(子) guō(zi) a cooking-pot, saucepan
國會 guóhuì parliament, congress
國籍 guójí nationality
國際 guójì international
國立 guólì state/national maintained/run
國內 guónèi interior (of country), internal, domestic
國旗 guóqí national flag
國外 guówài overseas
國王 guówáng king
國語 guóyŭ national language written and spoken, textbook for primary/middle school students
國小 guóxiăo primary school
國中 guózhōng middle school, junior high school
guŏ bind, wrap
果然 guŏrán really, as expected, sure enough
guò too, excessively
過程 guòchéng course, process
過渡 guòdù ferry stream
過度 guòdù excessive
過分/份 guòfèn excessive, undue
過節 guòjié celebrate a festival
過濾 guòlǜ filtrate
過期 guòqí overdue, be overdue, exceed the time limit, stale
過日子 guòrìzi live, get along, practice economy
過世 guòshì die, pass away
hāi inj.: hi, hey
hái even/still more, in addition, passably, fairly, even
還不如 háibùrú it would be better to
還好 háihăo fortunately
還要 háiyào even/still more
還有 háiyŏu furthermore, in addition
海報 hăibào a playbill, a placard, a poster
海關 hăiguān customhouse, customs
海軍 hăijūn navy
海灘 hăitān beach
海外 hăiwài overseas, abroad
海峽 hăixiá strait, channel
海鮮 hăixiān seafood
害處 hàichù harm
hán include
hán keep in mouth
寒冷 hánlěng cold, frigid
含量 hánliàng content
hăn cry out, yell
hàn sweat, perspiration
航空 hángkōng aviation

hángyè trade, profession, industry
毫無 háowú completely lack
hăo so as to, so that
好多 hăoduō many, much
好意思 hăoyìsi have the nerve
好在 hăozài fortunately, luckily
hào waste time, dawdle
hăo be fond of
好客 hàokè hospitable
好奇 hàoqí curious, full of curiosity
號召 hàozhào call, appeal (for supporters)
pool (efforts/etc.), join, combine
be equal to, amount to
be fitting, accord with, conform to
to agree, suit (purpose), match
何必 hébì why must...?, there is no need
合不來 hébùlái not get along well
合唱 héchàng sing in a chorus
合成 héchéng compose, compound, synthesize
合得來 hédelái get along well
合法 héfă lawful, legitimate, rightful
合格 hégé qualify, reach standard, pass
和好 héhăo become reconciled
合乎 héhū conform with/to, accord/tally with
何況 hékuàng much less, let alone, all the more
合理 hélĭ rational, reasonable, equitable
河流 héliú river
和平 hépíng mild, peaceful
和氣 héqì friendly
合算 hésuàn reckon up, total
合適 héshì suitable, appropriate, becoming, right
hēi inj.: hey!
黑暗 hēiàn dark
黑夜 hēiyè dark night
痕跡 hénjī mark, trace, vestige
hèn hatred
hèn hate,regret,be exasperated
恨不得 hènbùdé very anxious to,itch to
héng horizontal,transverse,across,sideways
喉嚨 hóulóng throat
猴子 hóuzi monkey, clever/glib/sharp-tongued person
hòu thick, deep, profound, kind, magnanimous, large, generous, rich/strong in flavor
後代 hòudài later periods/ages/generations, descendants, posterity, progeny
後方 hòufāng rear
後果 hòuguŏ consequence, aftermath
後悔 hòuhuĭ regret, repent
後年 hòunián year after next
後頭 hòutóu rear, behind
後退 hòutuì draw back
後院 hòuyuàn backyard
紅豆 hóngdòu red bean, azuki bean, love pea
(1)exhale; (2)call
忽略 hūlüè neglect, overlook ,lose sight of
忽視 hūshì ignore, overlook, neglect
呼吸 hūxī breathe, respire
糊塗 hútú muddled, confused, thoughtless, slipshod
鬍子 húzi beard, moustache, whiskers
Collective measure word for a household.
戶外 hùwài outdoor
互助 hùzhù help each other
huā flowery, florid, profligate, blurred,false
花草 huācăo flowers and plants
花費 huāfèi expenditure, expenses
花費 huāfèi spend,expend
花盆 huāpén flowerpot, pot, planter
花瓶 huāpíng flower vase, secretary kept for her good looks rather than ability
花色 huāsè design and color, variety of designs/sizes/colors/etc.
花生 huāshēng peanut
huá delimit, differentiate, transfer, assign, plan, draw, mark
huá slip, slide
huá slippery, smooth, cunning, crafty
華僑 huáqiáo overseas Chinese
huà to transform physically, to disguise
huà to change, to convert, to transform, to influence
話說回來 huàshuōhuílái but then again
話題 huàtí subject of a talk, topic of conversation, topic
化學 huàxué chemistry
化裝 huàzhuāng disguise oneself
化妝 huàzhuāng apply make-up
化妝品 huàzhuāngpĭn cosmetics
懷孕 huáiyùn be pregnant
壞處 huàichù harm, disadvantage, defect
壞蛋 huàidàn scoundrel, bastard
歡呼 huānhū hail, acclaim
歡樂 huānlè happy, joyous, gay
歡喜 huānxĭ like, be fond of
環保 huánbăo environmental protection
緩和 huănhé relax, ease up, mitigate, appease
緩慢 huănmàn slow
幻想 huànxiăng imagination, fantasy, daydream
幻想 huànxiăng imagine, daydream, fantasticate, fancify, dream, fancy, fantasize
huāng lose self-possession, panic
皇帝 huángdì emperor
黃豆 huángdòu soya bean, soybean
黃昏 huánghūn dusk
huī wave, brandish, wipe off/away, command (an army), squander (money/etc.)
huī gray
恢復 huīfù resume, renew, recover, regain, restore, reinstate, rehabilitate
灰色 huīsè gray ,ashy, pessimistic, gloomy
灰心 huīxīn lose heart, be discouraged
huí reply, answer
回電 huídiàn wire back
回教 huíjiào Islam
回收 huíshōu recycle
回頭 huítóu turn one's head, turn round
回想 huíxiăng think back, recollect, recall
回信 huíxìn reply (letter)
回憶 huíyì recollect, recall
huì meeting, gathering, party, get-together, conference
會場 huìchăng meeting place, conference/assembly hall
匯款 huìkuăn make a remittence, remit
會員 huìyuán member
昏倒 hūndăo faint
婚禮 hūnlǐ wedding ceremony
昏迷 hūnmí remain unconscious
婚姻 hūnyīn marriage, matrimony
hùn mix
混合 hùnhé mix, blend, mingle
混亂 hùnluàn confused, chaotic
活該 huógāi serve sb. right, deservedly be, be destined to, ought, should
活力 huólì vigor, vitality, energy
活潑 huópō lively, vivacious, vivid
活躍 huóyuè enliven, animate, invigorate
火柴 huŏchái match
火腿 huŏtuĭ ham
火災 huŏzāi a fire (accident), a conflagration, a blaze
huò disaster, misfortune
獲得 huòdé gain, acquire, win,a chieve
或多或少 huòduōhuòshăo somewhat, to some extent
貨物 huòwù goods, commodity, merchandise
或許 huòxŭ perhaps, maybe
或者 huòzhě or, either or
基本 jīběn fundamental, essential, main
基本 jīběn basic, elementary
基本上 jīběnshàng basically
基礎 jīchŭ base, foundation
激動 jīdòng stirred, agitated
基督教 jīdūjiào Christianity
機構 jīgòu organization, internal structure of an organization
機關 jīguān (1)office, organ; (2)mechanism, stratagem, scheme, intrigue
幾乎 jīhū almost, nearly
積極 jījí positive, active, energetic, vigorous
基金 jījīn fund, endowment
激烈 jīliè intense, sharp, fierce, acute
機票 jīpiào plane ticket
肌肉 jīròu muscle
機械 jīxiè machine, machinery, mechanism
utmost, extremely
(1)Individual measure word for stairs or steps; (2)Individual measure word for the quality of goods, services; (3)Individual measure word for natural disasters.
gather, collect
疾病 jíbìng disease, illness
及格 jígé pass ,nail, make it
集合 jíhé gather, assemble, muster
即將 jíjiāng about to, on the point of, soon
急忙 jímáng in haste, hurriedly
寂寞 jímò be lonely
極其 jíqí extremely, exceedingly
及時 jíshí timely, in time, promptly
即使 jíshĭ even, even if/though
集郵 jíyóu collect stamps
集中 jízhōng focus, concentrate
集中 jízhōng centralize, put together
both A and B
計較 jìjiào haggle over, dispute, discuss in minute detail, mind,care
記錄 jìlù record, note
記錄 jìlù record
紀念 jìniàn commemorate, mark
紀念 jìniàn commemoration, souvenir
技巧 jìqiăo technique, skill, craftsmanship, dexterity
既然 jìrán since, as, now that
計算 jìsuàn count, calculate, compute
技術 jìshù technique, art
記性 jìxìng memory capability
記憶 jìyì memory
記憶 jìyì remember, recall
記載 jìzăi put down in writing, record
記者 jìzhě reporter, correspondent
記住 jìzhù remember, learn by heart, bear in mind
jiā fine, beautiful, distinguished
加班 jiābān work overtime, work extra shift
加工 jiāgōng process
加強 jiāqiáng strengthen, augment, reinforce
加入 jiārù add, mix, put in
加速 jiāsù speed up, accelerate, haste
加上 jiāshàng add into
家事 jiāshì housework, family matters
家鄉 jiāxiāng hometown, native place
加以 jiāyǐ handle, treat (used before polysyllabic verbs or verbal nouns)
加油 jiāyóu refuel
加油站 jiāyóuzhàn gas station
家長 jiāzhăng head of household, parent of schoolchildren
jiá pincers, folder
jiă first , first of the ten Heavenly Stems
假如 jiărú if, supposing, in case
假裝 jiăzhuāng pretend, feign, simulate
jià marry (of a woman)
價格 jiàgé price
價錢 jiàqián price
假日 jiàrì holiday, day off
駕駛 jiàshĭ driver, pilot
駕駛 jiàshĭ drive (vehicle), pilot (ship/plane)
價值 jiàzhí be worth
價值 jiàzhí value, worth
jiān do concurrently
jiān occasion
jiān penetrating ,incisive, piercing, intense, acute, sharp, shrill
jiān shoulder
肩膀 jiānbăng shoulder
堅持 jiānchí persist in, insist on
堅定 jiāndìng firm, staunch, steadfast
堅決 jiānjué firm, determined
堅強 jiānqiáng staunch, steadfast
尖銳 jiānruì sharp-pointed
監獄 jiānyù prison, jail
jiăn select, pick out, pick up, collect, gather
jiăn pick up, collect, gather
jiăn wipe out, exterminate, cut (with scissors), clip, trim
jiăn subtract, reduce, decrease, cut, lessen, diminish, deduct
剪刀 jiăndāo scissors, shears
減輕 jiănqīng lighten, ease, mitigate
減少 jiănshăo reduce, decrease
檢驗 jiănyàn test, examine, inspect
簡直 jiănzhí simply, really
jiàn arrow
jiàn build, construct, erect, establish, set up, found
漸漸 jiànjiàn gradually, by degrees, little by little
間接 jiànjiē indirect, at indirect, roundabout
建立 jiànlì establish, set up, found
鍵盤 jiànpán keyboard
健全 jiànquán sound, perfect
建議 jiànyì proposal, suggestion
建議 jiànyì propose, suggest, recommend
建築 jiànzhú build, construct, erect
建築 jiànzhú building, structure, edifice, architecture
jiāng river
jiāng be about to
將要 jiāngyào going to, will, shall
講價 jiăngjià bargain
講究 jiăngjiù tasteful, exquisite
獎金 jiăngjīn money award, bonus, premium
獎品 jiăngpĭn prize, award, trophy
獎學金 jiăngxuéjīn scholarship
jiàng surrender, capitulate, subdue, tame
降低 jiàngdī reduce, cut down, drop, lower
降價 jiàngjià lower prices
jiāo pour liquid on, sprinkle water on, irrigate, water, cast
驕傲 jiāoào be proud, take pride in
交代 jiāodài explain, make clear, brief, tell, account for, justify oneself, confess
交換 jiāohuàn exchange, swap
交際 jiāojì assort, converse, social intercourse, intercommunicate, gam, socialize
交流 jiāoliú exchange, interflow, interchange
交通 jiāotōng traffic, communications, transportation
郊外 jiāowài countryside around a city, outskirts
交往 jiāowăng associate, contact
交易 jiāoyì deal, trade
交易 jiāoyì deal, trade, transaction
交友 jiāoyǒu make friends
jiăo parts, angle, role, horn
jiăo pay, hand over/in
腳步 jiăobù step, pace
角度 jiăodù angle
角落 jiăoluò corner, nook
jiào compare
jiào cause/ask to
教材 jiàocái teaching material
教導 jiàodăo instruct, give guidance
教法 jiàofă teaching methods, pedagogy
叫喊 jiàohăn shout, howl, scream
教會 jiàohuì (Christian) church
教練 jiàoliàn coach, instructor
教師 jiàoshī teacher, instructor
教授 jiàoshòu professor
教授 jiàoshòu instruct, teach
教堂 jiàotáng church, cathedral
教學 jiàoxué teach and study
教訓 jiàoxùn chide, lecture sb.
教訓 jiàoxùn lesson, moral
jiē connect, join, put together, come in contact with, come close to
接觸 jiēchù come into contact with, get in touch with, engage, contact
接待 jiēdài receive (guests), serve (customers)
接到 jiēdào receive
街道 jiēdào street, residential district, neighborhood
階段 jiēduàn stage, phase, level
接見 jiējiàn receive sb., grant interview to
接近 jiējìn intimate, close
接近 jiējìn approach, near, be close to
街頭 jiētóu street (corner)
jié (1) Partial measure word for things with joints, or things that are usually joined; (2) Partial measure word for plants with joints; (3) Partial measure word for vehicles with several sections joined together.
jié junction, node
jié (1)congeal, coagulate; (2)unite, connect, join,tie,knit,knot,weave; (3)to bear (fruit)
結構 jiégòu structure, composition, construction, texture
結果 jiéguŏ result, outcome, consequence
結果 jiéguŏ to bear fruit
結合 jiéhé combine, unite,Integrate, link, be joined in wedlock
結局 jiéjú final result, outcome, ending
結論 jiélùn conclusion (of a syllogism), conclusion
結算 jiésuàn close an account, to reckon sth. up
節省 jiéshěng save, thriftiness, stint, penny-pinching
節約 jiéyuē economize, save
結帳 jiézhàng settle accounts, square accounts, balance the books, square_up
截止 jiézhĭ end, close, cut off
jiě separate, divide, cut apart, untie, undo
解除 jiěchú remove, relieve, get rid of
解答 jiědá answer, explain
jiè (1)Measure word for regular conferences, sports meets, etc; (2)Measure word for students, graduate students, etc.
界線 jièxiàn boundary/dividing line, limits, bounds
戒指 jièzhĭ ring (for the finger)
金額 jīné amount/sum of money
今後 jīnhòu henceforth, henceforward, from now on
金融 jīnróng finance, banking
金屬 jīnshŭ metals in general
jĭn only, merely, barely
儘管 jĭnguăn feel free to, not hesitate to
儘管 jĭnguăn even though, despite
緊急 jĭnjí urgent, critical
僅僅 jĭnjĭn only, merely, barely
儘量 jĭnliàng to the best of one's ability
jìn try one's best, put to best use
jìn soak, steep, immerse
jìn approach/reach (a particular level or state)
jìn receive, eat, drink ,take, introduce
進口 jìnkŏu import
近來 jìnlái recently, lately
進入 jìnrù enter, get into
近視 jìnshì short-sighted
進一步 jìnyíbù go step further
禁止 jìnzhĭ prohibit, ban
精彩 jīngcăi brilliant, splendid
經費 jīngfèi funds, outlay, expenses
經過 jīngguò process, course
經理 jīnglǐ manager, director
經歷 jīnglì a person's past career
經歷 jīnglì go through, undergo, experience
精力 jīnglì energy, vigor
經濟 jīngjì economy, financial condition
驚人 jīngrén astonishing, amazing, alarming
精細 jīngxì meticulous, fine, careful and attentive, thorough
驚訝 jīngyà amazed, astounded
經驗 jīngyàn go through, experience
經驗 jīngyàn experience
經營 jīngyíng manage, run, engage in
警告 jǐnggào (disciplinary) warning
警告 jǐnggào warn, put on guard, caution,admonish
景色 jĭngsè view, scene, landscape
jìng still, quiet, calm
敬愛 jìngài respect and love
淨化 jìnghuà purify
敬酒 jìngjiŭ propose a toast
敬禮 jìnglĭ salute, give a salute, extend one's greetings, respectfully yours (letter closure)
鏡子 jìngzi mirror
競爭 jìngzhēng compete
糾正 jiūzhèng correct, redress
酒吧 jiŭbā bar
酒會 jiŭhuì cocktail party
jiù with regard to, concerning
救火 jiùhuŏ fire fighting, fightfire
究竟 jiùjìng actually, exactly, after all, in the end
舅舅 jiùjiu mother's brother, uncle
救命 jiùmìng save sb.'s life, Help!, Save me!
就算 jiùsuàn even if, granted that
就是 jiùshì even if, even
就是 jiùshì quite right, exactly, precisely
就是說 jiùshìshuō that is to say, in other words, namely
就業 jiùyè get or take up a job
居民 jūmín resident, inhabitant
居然 jūrán unexpectedly, to one's surprise, going so far as to
居住 jūzhù live, reside
Measure word for the competitions of balls, chesses, etc.
鞠躬 júgōng bow (to sb.)
舉辦 jŭbàn conduct, hold, run
舉手 jŭshŏu raise one's hand(s)
assemble, gather, get together
possess, have, provide, furnish
Measure word for corpses.
具備 jùbèi possess, have, be provided with
劇本 jùběn drama, play, script
劇場 jùchăng theater
巨大 jùdà huge, gigantic
聚集 jùjí gather, assemble, collect
拒絕 jùjué refuse, reject, decline
俱樂部 jùlèbù (social) club
距離 jùlí distance
距離 jùlí be apart/away from
劇烈 jùliè violent, fierce
劇情 jùqíng story line, plot
據說 jùshuō it is said that...
具體 jùtĭ concrete, specific, particular
具有 jùyŏu possess, have, be provided with
劇院 jùyuàn theater
juān contribute, subscribe
捐款 juānkuăn contribute money
捐款 juānkuăn contribution, donation, subscription
juăn roll up, gather, snatch,scold, rebuke
juàn Measure word for things in rolls.
jué certainly
絕不 juébù never
絕大部分 juédàbùfèn most of, the majority of
絕對 juéduì absolutely, definitely
絕對 juéduì absolute, perfect, definite
角色 jiăosè role, part
覺悟 juéwù come to understand, realize
決心 juéxīn determination, resolution
決心 juéxīn decide, make up one's mind
jūn army
軍隊 jūnduì armed forces, army, troops
軍人 jūnrén soldier, serviceman, armyman
軍事 jūnshì military affairs
to wedge in, to choke, be choked
kāi (1)blossom; (2)boil
開除 kāichú expel, discharge, fire
開刀 kāidāo perform/have operation, make sb. first target of attack
開發 kāifā develop, open up, exploit
開放 kāifàng set free, open (park, garden) to public, trade with foreign nations
開戶 kāihù open an account, establish an account
開課 kāikè give a course, teach a subject
開朗 kāilăng open and clear, clear up
開明 kāimíng enlightened, open-minded
開設 kāishè (1)open (shop/etc.); (2)offer (course/etc.)
開拓 kāituò open up, develop, enlarge/expand (territory/etc.)
開演 kāiyăn begin (movie/business/etc.)
看家 kānjiā look after the house, mind house, mind the house
kăn cut, chop, hack, throw sth. at
kàn [aspect]
看不起 kànbùqĭ scorn, despise
看得起 kàndeqĭ think highly of
看看 kànkan
看來 kànlái it seems, it looks as if
看起來 kànqĭlái it seems, it looks as if
看樣子 kànyàngzi it looks as if, it appears, it seems
抗議 kàngyì protest
考察 kăochá inspect, make on-the-spot investigation, observe and study
考卷 kăojuàn examination paper
考慮 kăolǜ think over, consider
考取 kăoqŭ pass entrance examination
kào depend/rely on
靠近 kàojìn be nearby, be close to
carve, engrave, cut
科技 kējì science and technology
科目 kēmù school subject/course, headings in account book, category of subjects
passable, pretty good, not bad
可靠 kěkào reliable, trustworthy
可憐 kělián have pity on, pity
可怕 kěpà fearful, terrible
可是 kěshì be indeed
渴望 kěwàng thirst/long for
可惡 kěwù hateful, abominable
可惜 kěxí unfortunate
可喜 kěxĭ gratifying, heartening
可笑 kěxiào ridiculous, funny
課程 kèchéng course, curriculum
客房 kèfáng guest room
克服 kèfú surmount, conquer, put up with (hardship/etc.)
客觀 kèguān objective
客戶 kèhù client, customer
客滿 kèmăn sold out, full house
課堂 kètáng classroom
課外 kèwài extracurricular, outside class, after school
肯定 kěndìng affirm, approve, regard as positive
kŏu (1)Individual measure word for languages. (2)Mouthful, measure word for things kept in the mouth.
口才 kŏucái eloquence
口袋(兒) kŏudài(er) pocket
口號 kŏuhào slogan, watchword
口紅 kŏuhóng lipstick
口氣 kŏuqì tone, note, manner of speaking, implication
口試 kŏushì oral examination
口試 kŏushì take an oral test
口水 kŏushuĭ saliva
口味 kŏuwèi a person's taste, flavor of food
口音 kŏuyīn voice, local/regional accent
口語 kŏuyŭ spoken/vernacular language, gossip, slander
kòu button/buckle/tie up, cover with concave object, detain, arrest, deduct, discount
kōng in vain, for nothing
空軍 kōngjūn air force
空前 kōngqián unprecedented
空中 kōngzhōng open air/sky
恐怖 kŏngbù fearful, horrible
恐怕 kǒngpà perhaps
kòng free, with spare time
空(兒) kòng(er) a cleft, fissure, a blank, unoccupied space or time
控制 kòngzhì control, dominate, command
誇獎 kuājiăng crack_up, praise, resound, applaud
誇張 kuāzhāng exaggerate, overstate
kuā stride, bestride, straddle, cut across, go beyond
會計 kuàijì accounting
kuān wide, broad, generous, lenient, comfortably off, well-off, relax, relieve, extend
寬度 kuāndù width, breadth
況且 kuàngqiě moreover, besides, in addition
擴大 kuòdà enlarge, extend, swell, dilate
拉肚子 lādùzi suffer from diarrhoea, have diarrhea, have loose bowels
喇叭 lăba brass wind instrument, trumpet
sharp, spicy, biting (of smell/taste)
辣椒 làjiāo hot pepper, chili
蠟燭 làzhú candle
lái to
lái particle: used to denote the beginning of an action
來不及 láibùjí be too late to do sth.
來得及 láidejí there's still time to do sth., be in time
來回 láihuí make a round trip, go to and fro
來臨 láilín arrive, come, approach
來往 láiwăng associate, contact
來往 láiwăng come and go
來信 láixìn incoming letter
來源 láiyuán source, origin
來自 láizì come/stem/originate from
籃子 lánzi basket
lăn indolent
懶得 lănde not feel like (doing sth.), lethargic
làn mushy, sodden, mashed, rotten, decayed, fester, worn-out
láng wolf, greedy and cruel person
làng wave, billow, breaker
浪費 làngfèi waste, squander
浪漫 làngmàn dissolute, debauched, romantic
lāo drag for, dredge up, get by improper means
láo firm, durable
嘮叨 láodāo chatter, be garrulous
勞動 láodòng do physical labor, do manual work
勞工 láogōng laborer, worker
勞力 láolì labor (force)
牢騷 láosāo discontent, complaint, grumble
lăo always (doing sth.), for a long time,very
老百姓 lăobăixìng common people, civilians
老闆娘 lăobănniáng boss wife
老大 lăodà eldest child (in a family)
老公 lăogōng husband
老虎 lăohŭ tiger
老家 lăojiā native place, old home, one's original home
老婆 lăopó wife
老實 lăoshí honest, frank, well-behaved, good, simple-minded, naive
老實說 lăoshíshuō honestly
老是 lăoshì always
老太太 lăotàitai old lady, your (my/his/etc.) mother
happy, cheerful, be glad to, enjoy, be amused
樂觀 lèguān be optimistic, be hopeful
樂趣 lèqù delight, pleasure, joy
垃圾 lèsè rubbish, garbage, junk, crap
樂意 lèyì be willing, be ready to
lèi tear, teardrop
lèi Collective measure word for a class of persons who have similar characteristics, or things which are alike in some way.
類似 lèisì similar
冷淡 lěngdàn treat coldly, cold-shoulder, slight
冷靜 lěngjìng sober, calm
冷飲 lěngyĭn cold drink
梨(子) lí(zi) pear
離婚 líhūn divorce
gift, present
manage, run, put in order, tidy up, take notice, acknowledge, administer, govern, operate
take notice of, pay attention to
理髮 lĭfă have a haircut
理解 lĭjiě understand,comprehend
理論 lĭlùn theory
禮貌 lĭmào courtesy, politeness, manners
禮品 lĭpĭn gift, present
禮堂 lĭtáng assembly hall, auditorium
裡/裏頭 lĭtou inside, interior
理想 lĭxiăng perfect, ideal
理想 lĭxiăng ideal
理由 lĭyóu reason, grounds, argument
Individual measure word for small, hard things, such as sand, grain, and medicine.
(1)do good to, benefit; (2)sharp, keen
set up, erect
立場 lìchăng position, stand(point)
厲害 lìhài great
立即 lìjí immediately, at once, promptly
力量 lìlìàng physical strength, power, force, ability
力氣 lìqì physical strength
利潤 lìlùn profit
歷史 lìshĭ history, past records
利息 lìxí interest
利益 lìyì interest, benefit, profit
例子 lìzi example, case, instance
lián join, link, connect
lián in succession, one after another
聯合 liánhé to unite, ally
聯合國 liánhéguó United Nations
連接 liánjiē join, link, connect
聯絡 liánluò contact
連絡 liánluò contact
連忙 liánmáng promptly, at once
連續 liánxù continuous, successive, running
連續劇 liánxùjù TV series
臉色 liănsè complexion, look, facial expression
liàn practice, train, drill, boil and scour raw silk
戀愛 liànài love, romantic attachment
liáng estimate, measure
良好 liánghăo good, well
糧食 liángshí grain, cereals, food
liăng two
liàng show, shine
諒解 liàngjiě understand, make allowance for
liăo to understand, end,finish
了不起 liăobùqĭ amazing, terrific, extraordinary,marvelous
liè Collective measure word for a line of vehicles or people.
liè split, crack, divide up (profits), rend, rip open, sever (relationship)
lín pour, drench
lín be present
臨時 línshí fill-in
凌晨 língchén before dawn
靈魂 línghún soul, spirit
靈活 línghuó nimble, agile, flexible, elastic
零件 língjiàn spare parts, spares, components
零售 língshòu (sell) retail
零下 língxià subzero
零用錢 língyòngqián pocket money
領帶 lĭngdài necktie, tie
領導 lĭngdăo leader
領導 lĭngdăo lead, exercise leadership
領土 lĭngtŭ territory
領先 lĭngxiān be in lead, lead (in competition)
領袖 lĭngxiù leader
領域 lĭngyù territory, domain, realm, field, sphere
lìng make, cause
lìng another
另外 lìngwài in addition, besides, moreover
另外 lìngwài another
liū slide, glide, sneak off, slip away
流動 liúdòng flow, go from place to place
流汗 liúhàn perspire, sweat
流利 liúlì be reluctant to leave or part with, fluent
留念 liúniàn accept/keep as a souvenir
流血 liúxiě bleed, shed blood
流行 liúxíng prevalent, popular, fashionable, in vogue, spread, rage (of contagious disease)
留學 liúxué study abroad
留學生 liúxuéshēng student studying abroad,returned student
lóng dragon, dinosaur
lóu particle: calling attention to, or mildly warning of, a situation
lǒu gather up, rake together, hold/tuck up, (squeeze money) extort, pull
旅客 lǚkè traveler, passenger
旅行社 lǚxíngshè a travel/tourist agency
綠豆 lǜdòu mung bean, green gram
律師 lǜshī lawyer, attorney
lüè to ignore
show, reveal, appear
路燈 lùdēng street/road lamp
陸軍 lùjūn ground/land force, army
路口 lùkŏu crossing, intersection
錄取 lùqŭ enroll, recruit, admit
路線 lùxiàn route, itinerary, line
陸續 lùxù one after another, in succession
露營 lùyíng camp out,encamp, bivouac
錄用 lùyòng employ
輪船 lúnchuán steamer, steamship
輪流 lúnliú by turns, in turn
輪胎 lúntāi tire
輪子 lúnzi wheel
lùn discuss, talk about, consider, regard, mention ,determine, decide on, discourse
論文 lùnwén thesis, dissertation, treatise, paper
luò fall, drop, go down, decline, set (of sun), ebb (of tide), remain where one is, stay behind, turn over to, belong to, rest with, obtain, receive
落後 luòhòu fall/lay behind
落實 luòshí fix/decide in advance, ascertain, make sure, fulfill, implement, put into effect
落伍 luòwŭ straggle, drop out, be outdated
benumbed, having tingling feeling, have pins and needles
麻雀 máquè sparrow
馬虎 măhū be careless/casual
馬桶 mătŏng nightstool, commode
碼頭 mătóu wharf, dock, port city, commercial/transportation center
螞蟻 măyĭ ant
mái bury
買單 măidān pay restaurant bill
買賣 măimài do business, carry on trade
饅頭 mántóu steamed bun
滿 măn reach limit, expire, be over
滿 măn entirely, wholly
滿 măn quite, very
滿足 mănzú be satisfied/contented, satisfy, meet
漫畫 mànhuà caricature, cartoon
慢跑 mànpăo canter, jog, trot, lope
忙碌 mánglù be busy, bustle about
盲目 mángmù blind
毛筆 máobĭ writing brush
矛盾 máodùn contradictory
毛巾 máojīn towel
mào risk, brave
貿易 màoyì trade
méi coal
沒辦法 méibànfă can do nothing about it, can't help it
沒法子 méifázi [informal]can do nothing about it, can't help it, helpless
玫瑰 méiguī rose
梅花 méihuā plum blossom, clubs (on playing cards), wintersweet
沒想到 méixiăngdào unexpected
měi every, each, often, frequent
美觀 měiguān pleasing to the eye
美好 měihăo fine, happy, glorious
美妙 měimiào beautiful, splendid, wonderful
美術 měishù art, beaux arts, fineart
魅力 mèilì glamor, charm, enchantment
mén Individual measure word for discipline, branch of learning, etc.
門票 ménpiào entrance/admission ticket
門診 ménzhěn outpatient service
měng fierce, valiant, fearsome, severe
mèng dream
夢到 mèngdào to dream
夢想 mèngxiăng fond dream
enchant, lose one's bearings
迷糊 míhú confused, besotted, dazed
迷路 mílù stray, estray, lose one's way, wilder, get lost
迷人 mírén charming, enchanting
迷失 míshī lose (one's way,etc.)
迷信 míxìn have blind faith in, make fetish of
迷信 míxìn superstition
米粉 mĭfěn rice flour, rice-flour noodles
secret, tight
蜜蜂 mìfēng honeybee, bee
秘/祕密 mìmì secret
密切 mìqiè close, intimate
秘/祕書 mìshū secretary
mián cotton
棉被 miánbèi quilt with cotton wadding
棉花 miánhuā cotton
免得 miănde so as not to, so as to avoid
免費 miănfèi be free of charge, gratis
勉強 miănqiăng do with difficulty
miàn Individual measure word for the times of meeting between two persons.
面對 miànduì face, confront
麵粉 miànfěn flour, wheat flour
面積 miànjī surface area
面臨 miànlín be faced with, be up against
面貌 miànmào face ,features, appearance, look, aspect
面前 miànqián in the face of, in front of, before
面子 miànzi reputation, face, prestige
描寫 miáoxiě describe, depict, portray
miào temple, shrine
miào wonderful, excellent, fine, ingenious, clever, subtle
滅亡 mièwáng be destroyed, die out
民國 mínguó Republic of China
民間 mínjiān among the people, folk, nongovernmental, people-to-people
民主 mínzhŭ democratic
民主 mínzhŭ democracy, democratic rights
民族 mínzú ethnic minority/group, nation, nationality
míng name, describe
míng Individual measure word for people.
míng bright, clear, distinct, open, obvious, overt
明白 míngbái clear, obvious
名稱 míngchēng name (of a thing or an organization)
名單 míngdān name list
明亮 míngliàng well-lit, bright, shining
明明 míngmíng obviously, plainly
名牌 míngpái nameplate, name tag
名片 míngpiàn visiting/calling card, namecard
明確 míngquè make clear/definite
明星 míngxīng (movie/etc.) star
明顯 míngxiăn clear, obvious
mìng order, command, assign (title/etc.)
mìng life, lot, fate, destiny
命令 mìnglìng commend, order
命令 mìnglìng commend, order
命運 mìngyùn destiny, fate, lot
feel, touch, grope for, feel/sound out
(1)grind, mill, turn round/about; (2)obliterate; (3)worry
模仿 mófăng imitate, follow example of
模糊 móhú blur, obscure, confuse
模型 móxíng model, mold, matrix, pattern
模樣 móyàng appearance, look
(1)brush/wipe off, exclude; (2)put on, apply, smear, plaster
陌生 mòshēng strange, unfamiliar
mŏu certain person
目標 mùbiāo objective, target, goal
目的地 mùdìdì destination
目錄 mùlù catalogue, list, table of contents, directory
拿手 náshŏu good at
哪怕 năpà no matter how
奶粉 năifěn powdered milk
耐心 nàixīn patienly, persistently
耐心 nàixīn patience, endurance
耐用 nàiyòng wear, lasting long, durable
南部 nánbù southern part, the south
難道 nándào Do you really mean to say that...
難得 nándé hard to come by, rare, seldom
南方 nánfāng south, southern part of country
難怪 nánguài no wonder
南面 nánmiàn southern face, the south, the emperor
難受 nánshòu feel bad/ill/unwell/unhappy, suffer pain
男子 nánzĭ man, male
năo brain
腦袋 năodài head
腦筋 năojīn brain, mind, head
腦子 năozi brain, mind, head
nào make a noise, stir up trouble, give vent to anger, go in for,suffer from, be troubled by,
鬧區 nàoqū downtown
鬧鐘 nàozhōng alarm clock
內部 nèibù inside, interior
內行 nèiháng adept, professional
內科 nèikē internal medicine
內衣 nèiyī underwear
néng can, be able to, be capable of
能幹 nénggàn able-minded, competent
能源 néngyuán the sources of energy, energy resources, power sources
ball of mud
泥土 nítŭ earth, soil, clay
nián glue, stick, paste
nián sticky, glutinous
nián glue, stick, paste
年初 niánchū beginning of year
年代 niándài age, years, time, decade
年齡 niánlíng age
尿 niào to urinate
尿 niào urine
niē hold between fingers, pinch, knead with the fingers, mold, fabricate, trump up
寧可 níngkě (would) rather, better
寧願 níngyuàn (would) rather, better
牛排 niúpái beefsteak
牛仔褲 niúzĭkù jean
鈕扣 niŭkòu button
nóng dense, thick, concentrated
農產品 nóngchănpĭn agricultural products, farm produce
農村 nóngcūn rural area, countryside, village
濃厚 nónghòu dense, thick, strong, pronounced
農民/農夫 nóngmín/nóngfū peasant, peasantry
農藥 nóngyào agricultural/farm chemical, pesticide
農業 nóngyè agriculture, farming
女士 nǚshì educated girl/woman, Ms., Miss
女子 nǚzĭ woman, female
nuăn warm, warm up
暖和 nuănhuo warm, mild, sunny
暖氣 nuănqì central heating
ō inj.: of surprise
ó particle: used when informing sb. of st. (to draw people's attention); indicating mild imperative/suggestion/exclamation/guess/etc.
òu inj.: of surprised understanding
perhaps, be afraid
pái be arranged/located/situated
pái stand in line, arrange, put in order, sequence
pái Collective measure word for teeth, things in a row and bulidings in a line.
排斥 páichì repel, exclude, reject
排隊 páiduì stand in line
排列 páiliè arrange, put in order
排球 páiqiú volleyball
牌子 páizi plaque, sign, brand, trademark, tune, person's reputation
pài send, dispatch, assign, appoint
pān climb, clamber, seek connections in high places, involve, implicate
pán Individual measure word for a chess or any board game, etc.
判斷 pànduàn judge, determine
盼望 pànwàng long for, look forward to
跑步 păobù jog, march at/on the double
pào cannon, cannon chess piece, firecracker
pào cannon, firecracker, big gun
pào (1)brew, souse; (2)steep, soak, immerse
泡茶 pàochá make tea
péi compensate, pay for, stand a loss
賠償 péicháng compensate, pay for
陪同 péitóng accompany
培養 péiyăng foster, train, develop, culture
pèi match, find sth. to fit/replace sth. else, compound,mix
配合 pèihé coordinate, cooperate
pēn spurt, spout, gush, spray, sprinkle
pén Cotainer measure word for the things in a basin.
膨脹 péngzhàng expand, swell, inflate
pěng hold/carry sth. level in both hands, boost ,boast, exalt, flatter
pèng (1)touch, knock against; (2)take one's chance, explore (3)meet, encounter, run into
碰到 pèngdào run into, encounter, meet
碰見 pèngjiàn meet unexpectedly, run into
碰上 pèngshàng come across, encounter
drape/hang over one's shoulders
Measure word for horses, mules, camels, etc.
comment, criticize, refute, write comments on document, slap (sb.'s face)
Collective measure word for people or goods.
批判 pīpàn appraise, judge
批評 pīpíng criticize
naughty, mischievous
皮帶 pídài leather belt
皮膚 pífū skin
疲倦 píjuàn tired and sleepy
疲勞 píláo tired, weary
脾氣 píqì disposition, temperament, temper
皮鞋 píxié leather shoes
屁股 pìgu buttocks, backside, end,butt
piān Partial measure for a sheet of paper or a leaf (two pages) of a book.
偏(偏) piān(piān) just, but, only
偏食 piānshí be particular with food
偏向 piānxiàng be partial to, inclined towards.
piàn deceive, fool, hoodwink
片面 piànmiàn unilateral, one-sided
片子 piànzi a roll of film, film, movie
騙子 piànzi swindler, cheat
piāo blow/drift about, flutter
拼命 pīnmìng risk life, make death-defying effort
貧窮 pínqióng poor, needy
品德 pĭndé moral character
品質 pĭnzhí character, quality
聘請 pìnqĭng engage, invite
píng An area measure equal to 3.3057 square meter or 36 square feet.
píng based on, according to
平常 píngcháng ordinary, common
平等 píngděng equal
平衡 pínghéng balance
平靜 píngjìng calm, quiet, tranquil
平均 píngjūn average
平時 píngshí peacetime, at ordinary times, in peacetime, in normal times
平原 píngyuán plain, flatlands
婆婆 pópó husband's mother, mother-in-law, maternal grandmother
quite, very, considerably
破壞 pòhuài violate, destroy
破爛 pòlàn rubbishy, ragged, frazzle, broken
破裂 pòliè burst, split, rupture
迫切 pòqiè urgent, pressing, imperative
spread, extend, unfold, pave,lay
fling self at
撲滅 pūmiè extirpation, extermination, eradication
普遍 pŭpiàn universal, general, widespread, common
普及 pŭjí popularize, disseminate, spread
普通 pŭtōng ordinary, common, average
普通話 pŭtōnghuà putonghua, Mandarin Chinese, common speech, standard language
瀑布 pùbù waterfall, cataract
欺負 qīfù browbeat, take advantage of, pick on
欺騙 qīpiàn cheat, dupe
妻子 qīzĭ wife
chess/chess-like game, any piece used in a board game
(1)even, equal in length/height; (2)complete, prepared, together
[formal]its, his, her, their, it, this, that
Measure word for newspapers or periodicals, or things that appear by stages.
其次 qícì next, second
期間 qíjiān time, period
旗袍 qípáo cheongsam, a sheath with a slit skirt
齊全 qíquán complete, all in readiness
其實 qíshí as a matter of fact, actually, in fact
歧視 qíshì treat with bias, despise
期限 qíxiàn time limit, deadline
其餘 qíyú others, the rest
旗子 qízi flag, banner, pennant
期中 qízhōng mid-term
Measure word for unexpected accidents or events.
from … on(used after nouns of time and place)
start, rise, cause to rise
run up, build a house, unload, remove,t ake up from a vault
[aspect] used after a verb to indicate sth. happening right after the action
起初 qĭchū at first, originally
起飛 qĭfēi take off (of planes/etc.)
起火 qĭhuŏ fire breaking out
起來 qĭlái [aspect] used after a verb to indicate : (1)an upward movement (2) the beginning or continuation of an action (3) the completion of an action or attainment of a goal
air, gas, smell, atmosphere, spirit
器材 qìcái equipment, materials
氣氛 qìfēn atmosphere, ambience
氣憤 qìfèn angry, furious
器官 qìguān organ, apparatus
氣候 qìhòu climate
企圖 qìtú attempt
企圖 qìtú attempt, intend
氣味 qìwèi flavor, smell
氣溫 qìwēn air temperature
氣息 qìxí smell, breath
氣象 qìxiàng climatic phenomenon, prevailing spirit/atmosphere
企業 qìyè enterprise, business
汽油 qìyóu gasoline
qiān move, change
qiān pull, lead along (by holding hand/halter/etc.)
qiān sign, autograph
簽訂 qiāndìng conclude and sign (treaty/contract/etc.)
簽名 qiānmíng sign one's name, autograph
千萬 qiānwàn by all means, absolutely
謙虛 qiānxū modest, unassuming
簽約 qiānyuē sign a contract
簽字 qiānzì initial, sign, affix one's signature, ratify
簽證 qiānzhèng visa
前方 qiánfāng ahead ,front direction, (war) front
前進 qiánjìn go forward
前頭 qiántóu in the front, at the head, ahead, above, preceding
前途 qiántú future, career, prospects
前往 qiánwăng go, leave for, proceed to
qiàn owe
歉意 qiànyì apology, regret
qiāng rifle, gun
qiáng strong, powerful, vigorous, better, slightly more than, plus
牆壁 qiángbì wall
強大 qiángdà big and powerful, formidable
強盜 qiángdào robber, bandit
強調 qiángdiào stress, underline
強度 qiángdù intensity
強烈 qiángliè strong, intense, violent
強迫 qiángpò force (sb. to do sth.)
強人 qiángrén powerful person
搶救 qiăngjiù rush to save
qiāo strike, beat (drum/etc.)
qiáo see, look at
qiăo clever, intelligent, skillful, ingenious, artful, deceiving, pretty, cute
巧妙 qiăomiào ingenious, skillful, clever, shrewd
悄悄 qiăoqiăo quietly, stealthily
qiē cut, slice
qiě [formal]even, moreover, further
親口 qīnkŏu (from sb.'s) own mouth
親戚 qīnqī relatives
親切 qīnqiè cordial, genial, warm
親人 qīnrén close relatives
侵入 qīnrù invade, intrude into
親手 qīnshŏu with one's own hands
親眼 qīnyăn with one's own eyes,personally
親自 qīnzì personally, in person, firsthand
勤勞 qínláo industrious, hardworking
qīng nature's color, green, blue, greenish black
qīng clear up, settle
清晨 qīngchén early morning
清除 qīngchú eliminate, get rid of
清楚 qīngchŭ understand clearly
輕鬆 qīngsōng light, relaxed
輕傷 qīngshāng minor wound
青少年 qīngshàonián young people and teenagers, youths
清晰 qīngxī distinct, clear (of sound/view)
清醒 qīngxĭng be sober/wide-awake
傾向 qīngxiàng be inclined to, side with, prefer
qíng sentiment, sensibility, inclination, interest, affection, love, passion
情人 qíngrén lover, sweetheart
情書 qíngshū love letter
請教 qĭngjiào seek advice, Please enlighten me.
請求 qĭngqiú ask, request, entreat
qióng poor, impoverished, exhausted, hard-pressed
窮人 qióngrén poor people, the poor
秋季 qiūjì autumn season
球場 qiúchăng ball field
球隊 qiúduì ball game team
求婚 qiúhūn make an offer of marriage, propose
球賽 qiúsài ball game/tournament
球鞋 qiúxié gym/tennis shoes, sneakers
球員 qiúyuán ball team member
區別 qūbié distinction, difference
區別 qūbié distinguish, differentiate
區域 qūyù region, zone, district
曲折 qūzhé tortuous, complicated
take, get, obtain
take a wife
取代 qŭdài replace, supersede
取得 qŭdé gain, acquire, obtain
取消 qŭxiāo cancel, abolish, nullify
取笑 qŭxiào ridicule, make fun of
in order to
particle: used to denote an action away from the speaker or to denote the direction of the action
get rid of, remove,cast out
去世 qùshì die, pass away
quān (1) Collective measure word for people or things in a circle; (2) Measure word for certain actions of revolving.
全家 quánjiā whole family
權利 quánlì right, privilege
全面 quánmiàn omnibearing
全面 quánmiàn overall, comprehensive, all-round, all-out
全球 quánqiú whole world
全體 quántĭ whole body, plenary assembly
拳頭 quántóu fist
quàn persuade, urge, exhort
quē be short of, lack
缺點 quēdiăn defect, drawback, fault, shortcoming
缺乏 quēfá be short of, lack
缺少 quēshăo lack, be short of
缺席 quēxí be absent (from meeting/etc.)
確定 quèdìng decide firmly, settle, determine, fix, define
確認 quèrèn affirm, confirm, identify with certainty
確實 quèshí definitely true/real/certain/reliable
qún Collective measure word for a number of people or animals gathering together, or a number of close islands.
群眾 qúnzhòng the masses/People
然而 ránér even so, but, on the other hand.
燃料 ránliào fuel
燃燒 ránshāo burn
răn dye, soil, pollute, make strokes (in painting/etc.)
ràng yield, transfer possession of sth.
讓步 ràngbù yield, compromise
rào wind, coil, entwine, revolve around sth., detour,go around, become entangled
cause (sth.) to happen
熱愛 rèài love ardently
熱烈 rèliè ardent
熱門 rèmén in great demand,popular
熱情 rèqíng enthusiasm, passion
熱情 rèqíng enthusiastic
熱心 rèxīn warm-heartedness
人才 réncái capable person
人格 réngé character
人工 réngōng manual work, manpower
人間 rénjiān the human world
人類 rénlèi human beings/species
人力 rénlì manual labor, manpower
人情味(兒) rénqíngwèi(er) human touch/interest
人權 rénquán human rights
人人 rénrén everybody
人生 rénshēng human life
人事 rénshì human affairs, personnel matters
人數 rénshù number of people
人體 réntǐ human body
人物 rénwù character, personage, character in literature
人心 rénxīn popular feeling, human heart
人行道 rénxíngdào sidewalk
人員 rényuán personnel, staff
rěn bear, endure, hold back, forbear
忍不住 rěnbúzhù can't bear, can't help but do something
忍耐 rěnnài endure, put up with
忍受 rěnshòu endure, bear
忍心 rěnxīn have the heart to
rèn allow
rèn serve in a position, appoint to a position
任務 rènwù assignment, job
任性 rènxìng self-willed
réng still, yet
仍然 réngrán still, yet
日常 rìcháng usual, ordinary, daily
日出 rìchū sunrise
日後 rìhòu in the future
日用品 rìyòngpĭn articles for daily use
róng contain
融化 rónghuà melt (of snow/ice/etc.)
榮幸 róngxìng pleasure
be like, measure up to
if, supposing
according to, in accordance with, such as, as if, like, for example
如此 rúcĭ thus, like this, such
如果說 rúguŏshuō [informal]if, in case
如何 rúhé how
如何 rúhé how about it
如今 rújīn nowadays
如同 rútóng like, similar to
如下 rúxià as follows
如意 rúyì as one wishes
enter, take in, receive, conform with, descend, set (of sun)
入口 rùkŏu in door
入學 rùxué start school, enter school/college
ruăn soft, weak, pliant, poor in quality
ruò weak, feeble, inferior, young, a bit less than
sāi fill/stuff in
賽跑 sàipăo race (on foot)
三角形 sānjiăoxíng triangle
三明治 sānmíngzhì sandwich
sàn distribute, let out, discharge
sàn break up
喪失 sàngshī lose
sāo Measure word for vessels of considerable size.
săo sweep, sweep away
掃地 săodì sweep floor, reach nadir ,sweep the floor, make clean sweep
色彩 sècăi color, hue, shade
shā sand, sth. granulated
沙漠 shāmò desert
沙灘 shātān sandy beach
沙子 shāzi sand, grit, small grains, pellets
shă stupid, muddleheaded, stunned, silly
shài dry in the sun, bask, sun, shine upon
曬太陽 shàitàiyáng sunbathe, bask, sun
山地 shāndì mountainous/hilly country, hillside field
山區 shānqū mountain area
shăn dodge, get out of the way
善於 shànyú be good at, be adept in
shāng injury, wound
shāng injure, wound, fall ill from, damage, harm
shāng to hurt, wound, harm
商標 shāngbiāo trademark
商場 shāngchăng market, bazaar
傷害 shānghài injure, harm
商量 shāngliáng consult, talk over
傷腦筋 shāngnăojīn troublesome, bothersome, knotty
商品 shāngpĭn commodity, goods, merchandise
商人 shāngrén businessman, merchant, trader
傷心 shāngxīn be sad/grieved
商業 shāngyè commerce, trade, business
shàng [aspect] used as a complement to a verb: (1)indicating that an action has started and is in progress (2) indicating the attainment of an objective (3) up, upward
shàng to present, to affix, apply, place sth. in position
上當 shàngdàng be taken in, be fooled
上帝 shàngdì God
上級 shàngjí superior, higher level/authority
上升 shàngshēng go up, rise, ascend
上市 shàngshì go/appear on market
上台/臺 shàngtái mount platform, appear on the stage
上頭 shàngtóu above, on top/surface of, higher authorities
上下 shàngxià above and below, up and down, high and low, superior and inferior, old and young, ruler and subject, heaven and earth
上衣 shàngyī upper outer garment, jacket
上游 shàngyóu upper reaches of river, advanced position
shāo slightly
稍微 shāowéi slightly, a bit
少數 shăoshù a few
少年 shàonián young boy, early youth (10-16)
少女 shàonǚ young girl
shé snake, serpent
舌頭 shétou tongue
捨不得 shěbùdé hate to use or part with, grudge, begrudge
捨得 shědé be willing to give up or away
shè shoot, fire, emit, discharge, allude to, insinuate
設備 shèbèi equipment, facilities
社會 shèhuì society
設計 shèjì design, plan
設計 shèjì plan, design
設立 shèlì establish, found
攝影 shèyĭng take a photograph, shoot a film, film
shēn stretch, extend
身邊 shēnbiān at hand, nearby
身材 shēncái stature, figure
身分/份 shēnfèn identity, status, capacity
身分/份證 shēnfènzhèng identity/identification card
身高 shēngāo height (of person)
深刻 shēnkè deep, profound
深淺 shēnqiăn depth, seriousness
申請 shēnqĭng apply for
深入 shēnrù thorough, deep-going
伸手 shēnshŏu stretch/hold out one's hand, ask for help
深夜 shēnyè late at night
shén god, deity, divinity
神話 shénhuà mythology, myth, fairy tale
神經 shénjīng nerve
神秘 shénmì mysterious, mystical
神奇 shénqí magical, mystical, miraculous
神氣 shénqì spirited, vigorous, cocky, overweening, triumphant
神聖 shénshèng sacred, holy
神仙 shénxiān immortals, spirits, gods, the deities, supernatural beings
審查 shěnchá examine, investigate
甚至 shènzhì even
甚至 shènzhì even (to the point of), so much so that
慎重 shènzhòng cautious, discreet
shēng Measure word for the sounds such as speaking and shouting that can be heard.
shēng to rise, to hoist, to ascend, to promote
shēng unripe, green, raw, uncooked, unprocessed, crude, unfamiliar, strange, stiff, mechanical
生產 shēngchăn produce, manufacture
生存 shēngcún live, exist
生動 shēngdòng lively, vivid
升高 shēnggāo go up, ascend, rise
升級 shēngjí upgrade, go up (in grade/etc.), escalate
生命 shēngmìng life
生肖 shēngxiào year of the animal in which one was born
升學 shēngxué enter higher school
生長 shēngzhăng grow, develop
繩子 shéngzi rope, string
shěng thrifty, frugal, economical
shěng save, economize, omit, leave
省得 shěngde lest
省錢 shěngqián save money, be economical
shèng win victory, succeed, surpass,excel
勝利 shènglì win victory/success
剩下 shèngxià be left (over), remain
shī wet
shī wet
shī poetry, verse, poem
失敗 shībài be defeated, fail, lose
失掉 shīdiào lose, miss
師父 shīfu honorific term of address for a Buddhist monk or nun, or a Taoist priest or nun
師傅 shīfù master worker, tutor of king/emperor, general term of address in late 70s and 80s, address for service workers
施工 shīgōng work on (of construction)
失戀 shīliàn lovelorn, be jilted, lose one's love
失眠 shīmián sleepless, suffer from insomnia
師母 shīmŭ wife of one's teacher/master
失去 shīqù lose
詩人 shīrén poet
失望 shīwàng become disappointed, lose (hope/faith)
失業 shīyè lose one's job, be out of work
獅子 shīzi lion
shí at the time of, while
時常 shícháng often, frequently
實話 shíhuà truth, truthful statement
時機 shíjī an occasion, a suitable (or right) time, opportune moment
實際 shíjì practical, literal
時刻 shíkè time, moment
實力 shílì actual strength
食品 shípǐn foodstuff, food
時期 shíqí period (of time)
實施 shíshī put into effect, implement
時時 shíshí often, constantly
實現 shíxiàn realize,achieve,bring about
實行 shíxíng put into practice/effect,practice
實驗 shíyàn experiment, test
實驗 shíyàn test, experiment
實用 shíyòng practical, pragmatic, functional
實在 shízài indeed, really, honestly, in fact, as a matter of fact
實在 shízài true, real, honest, dependable
使 shĭ have sb. do sth., make, cause,e nable
使得 shĭde make, cause
始終 shĭzhōng always, from beginning to end
shì depend
shì generation, era, epoch, life, lifetime, age
適當 shìdàng suitable, proper
是非 shìfēi right and wrong, quarrel,dispute
是否 shìfŏu whether or not, is it so or not
適合 shìhé suit, fit
世紀 shìjì century
勢力 shìlì power, force, influence
市立 shìlì city-established, municipal
市民 shìmín citizenry, townspeople
市區 shìqū city proper, urban district
事實上 shìshíshàng as a matter of fact, factually
示威 shìwēi put on show of force, demonstrate, march
事物 shìwù thing, object
事先 shìxiān in advance, beforehand
試驗 shìyàn attempt, experiment, test
式樣 shìyàng style, type, model
視野 shìyě field of vision
事業 shìyè undertaking, enterprise, facilities
適應 shìyìng suit, adapt, fit, get used to
適用 shìyòng suit, be applicable
市長 shìzhăng mayor
收穫 shōuhuò harvest, gains, results
收據 shōujù receipt
收看 shōukàn tune into, watch (e.g.,TV)
收入 shōurù income
收拾 shōushí put in order, tidy up
收音機 shōuyīnjī radio set
shŏu [formal]first
手電筒 shŏudiàntŏng torch
首都 shŏudū capital (of country)
手段 shŏuduàn means, method, trick, artifice
手工 shŏugōng handwork
手術 shŏushù operation
首先 shŏuxiān first
手續 shŏuxù procedure
手指(頭) shǒuzhǐ(tou) finger
shòu sell, get (plan/etc.) accepted
shòu passive signifier
shòu experience, be subjected to
受不了 shòubùliăo be unable to endure
受到 shòudào be given
受得了 shòudeliăo stand up to
壽命 shòumìng life
受傷 shòushāng be injured/wounded
蔬菜 shūcài vegetables, greens
書法 shūfă calligraphy, penmanship
書房 shūfáng study, studio
疏忽 shūhū ignore, neglect
書籍 shūjí books
輸入 shūrù import, input
舒適 shūshì comfortable, cozy
shú familiar, skilled, experienced
熟練 shúliàn skilled, practiced, proficient
熟人 shúrén acquaintance, friend
叔叔 shúshu father's younger brother,uncle,uncle (child's address for young males)
熟悉 shúxī know sth./sb. well
shŭ be subordinate to, belong to
暑期 shŭqí summer vacation time
屬於 shŭyú belong to, be part of
shù Collective measure word for things of the same kind fastened together.
shù [formal]several
數量 shùliàng quantity, amount
樹林 shùlín woods, grove
樹木 shùmù trees
數目 shùmù number, amount
樹葉 shùyè leaves (of trees)
數字 shùzì numeral, figure, digit, quantity, amount
shuā scrub, brush
刷卡 shuākă pay by credit card
刷子 shuāzi brush
shuă flourish
shuāi fall, tumble, move backward and forward, swing
摔倒 shuāidăo fall down, fell an opponent
shuăi move backward and forward, throw, leave sb. behind, throw off
shuài command (army)
率領 shuàilĭng lead, head
shuāng two, twin, both, dual
shuāng Collective measure word for people in pairs.
雙方 shuāngfāng both sides, two parties
水分/份 shuĭfèn moisture content
水平 shuĭpíng standard, level
水災 shuǐzāi flood, inundation
水準 shuĭzhŭn level, standard
shuì tax, duty
說服 shuìfú persuade, talk sb. over
睡著 shuìzháo fall asleep
shùn obey, follow, submit to
shùn smooth-going, plain sailing, arrange, put in order
shùn along
順便 shùnbiàn conveniently, in passing
順利 shùnlì smooth, successful, without a hitch
順手 shùnshŏu smoothly, easily, without extra trouble
順序 shùnxù sequence, order
說不定 shuōbúdìng perhaps, maybe
說法 shuōfă way of saying sth., wording, formulation, statement, version, argument
說起來 shuōqĭlái now that it is mentioned, in regard to
silk, threadlike thing, tiny bit, trace
tear, rip
司機 sījī driver
思考 sīkăo ponder over, reflect on
私立 sīlì privately run, private
思索 sīsuŏ think deeply, ponder
私人 sīrén private
思想 sīxiăng thought, thinking, idea, ideology
死亡 sĭwáng be dead/doomed
四處 sìchù all around, on all sides, on every side
四處 sìchù all around, everywhere
四方 sìfāng four directions, all sides, square
似乎 sìhū it seems, as if, seemingly
四季 sìjì four seasons, each season consisting of three months
寺廟 sìmiào temple
飼養 sìyăng raise (animals/etc.)
四周/週 sìzhōu all around, on all sides, on every side
sōng loose, slack, not hard up, light and flaky, soft
送行 sòngxíng see sb. off, wish sb. bon voyage
vulgar, common
俗話 súhuà common saying, proverb
俗話說 súhuàshuō As the old saying goes …
速度 sùdù speed, velocity, tempo, rate, pace
suàn consider, regard/count as
算了 suànle Forget about it., That's enough!
算起來 suànqĭlái all considered
算是 suànshì considered to be
算帳 suànzhàng make out bills, settle accounts, reckon ,square accounts, balance the books, get even with sb.
suí follow
隨手 suíshŏu conveniently, without extra trouble
隨意 suíyì as one pleases
suì broken, fragmentary, garrulous, gabby
歲數 suìshù age, years
孫女 sūnnǚ granddaughter
孫子 sūnzi son's son, grandson
損失 sŭnshī loss
損失 sŭnshī lose
suō contract, shrink, shorten, draw back, withdraw, recoil
縮短 suōduăn shorten, curtail, cut down
縮水 suōshuĭ contract, shrink, withdraw, recoil
suŏ lock, fetters
suŏ lock (up), chain up, lockstitch
suŏ that which
所謂 suŏwèi so-called
collapse, droop, settle down
step on, tread, stamp
抬頭 táitóu raise one's head, gain ground,improve, go up (in price)
tán pluck/play (musical instrument)
談話 tánhuà talk, chat
談判 tánpàn negotiate, talk
毯子 tănzi blanket
tàn stretch/pop forward
探親 tànqīn visit family
táng Measure word for classes.
tàng (1) Measure word for the times of coming and going; (2) Measure word for the times of communications and transport.
tàng (1)scald, burn, warm in hot water; (2)iron, press; (3)have one's hair permed
tàng scalding, boiling hot
tāo take out with hand, hollow/scoop out
táo escape, flee, evade, shirk
逃避 táobì escape, evade, shirk
陶瓷 táocí ceramics
淘氣 táoqì naughty
桃子 táozi peach
逃走 táozŏu run away, flee
tăo demand, dun, marry (a woman)
tào encase, overlap, interlink, harness, hitch up, model on/after, copy, pump sb. about sth.
tào Collective measure word for groups of abstract things.
特別 tèbié specially, particularly, especially
特地 tèdì on purpose, specially
特點 tèdiăn characteristic, peculiarity, trait
特色 tèsè a characteristic, a distinguishing feature, a character
特殊 tèshū exceptional, special, particular, peculiar, distinctive
carry, take (in hand with arm down), lift, raise
mention, refer to, promote, bring up
Measure word for test items.
題材 tícái subject matter, theme
提到 tídào submit, present
題目 tímù title, subject, topic, exam questions
提起 tíqĭ mention, speak of
提前 tíqián advance in date, ahead
提醒 tíxĭng remind, warn, alert to
提早 tízăo in advance
體會 tĭhuì know/learn from experience, try to realize (another's situation)
體力 tĭlì physical power/strength
體貼 tĭtiē be considerate, be thoughtful
體溫 tĭwēn (body) temperature
體重 tĭzhòng (body) weight
天才 tiāncái genius, talent, gift
天空 tiānkōng sky, heaven
天然 tiānrán natural
天堂 tiāntáng paradise, heaven
天文 tiānwén astronomy
天下 tiānxià world, everywhere under heaven;domination
天真 tiānzhēn naive, innocent
天主教 tiānzhŭjiào Catholicism
tián field, farmland
甜點 tiándiăn dessert, sweetmeat
田野 tiányě field, open country
tiāo push/poke sth. up
挑選 tiāoxuăn choose, select
調 tiáo regulate, adjust, mediate
tiáo (1) Measure word for abstract things, such as news and experience; (2) Individual measure word forpeople's lives.
條件 tiáojiàn condition, term, factor, requirement, prerequisite ,qualification
條約 tiáoyuē treaty, pact
調整 tiáozhěng adjust, readjust, regulate, restructure, balance
挑戰 tiăozhàn challenge to battle/contest
跳高 tiàogāo high jump
跳遠 tiàoyuăn do long jump, do broad jump
tiě iron, arms, weapon
鐵路 tiělù railway, railroad
聽見 tīngjiàn hear
聽力 tīnglì hearing, aural comprehension (in language teaching)
聽起來 tīngqĭlái it sounds like
聽眾 tīngzhòng audience, listeners
停電 tíngdiàn cut power
停止 tíngzhĭ stop, cease, halt, suspend, call off
tĭng erect, firm
tĭng stick/bulge out, endure, stand up against, sustain
tĭng very, rather, quite
偷(偷) tōu(tōu) stealthily, secretly
tóu first, previous
tóu throw, fling, send, deliver, go to, join, lodge, stay, fit in with
投票 tóupiào vote, cast a vote
投入 tóurù throw/put into
頭痛 tóutòng have a headache
投降 tóuxiáng surrender, capitulate
投資 tóuzī investment
投資 tóuzī invest
tòu thorough
tòu penetrate, seep through
tōng Measure word for telephone and call.
tōng understand thoroughly, master
通常 tōngcháng generally, usually, normally
通過 tōngguò adopt, pass, carry (motion/legislation)
通信 tōngxìn communicate by letter, correspond
通訊 tōngxùn communication, news report, newsletter
tóng copper
tóng same, similar
tóng with, for
tóng be same as
tóng together, in common
同胞 tóngbāo offspring of same parents, compatriot
同情 tóngqíng sympathize with
同事 tóngshì colleague, fellow worker
同志 tóngzhì comrade
tǒng Container measure word for water, oil, etc.
統計 tǒngjì add up, count
統一 tǒngyī unify, unite, integrate
統治 tǒngzhì dominate, rule
痛快 tòngkuài joyful, delighted, to one's heart's content, forthright
禿 bald, devoid of hair, leaves or trees
突出 túchū outstanding
突出 túchū give prominence to, stress
突破 túpò breakthrough, penetration
突破 túpò make a breakthrough, surmount
突然 túrán suddenly, abruptly
圖書 túshū books
圖章 túzhāng seal, stamp
spit, force sth. out of one's mouth
expectorate, vomit
兔子 tùzi rabbit, hare
tuán (1) Collective measure word forgroups of people; (2) Partial measure word for materials rolled into a round mass.
團結 tuánjié unite, rally
團體 tuántǐ organization, group, team
團圓 tuányuán reunion
推動 tuīdòng push forward, promote
推翻 tuīfān overthrow
推廣 tuīguăng popularize, spread, extend
推薦 tuījiàn recommend
推銷 tuīxiāo promote sale of, peddle
退 tuì retreat, retire, decline, ebb
退 tuì return, give back, refund, cede
退步 tuìbù degenerate, backslide, regress, decline, step backward, retrogress
退出 tuìchū withdraw from, quit
退回 tuìhuí return, send/give back
退休 tuìxiū to retire, to go into retirement, to step down
tūn swallow, gulp down
tuō pull, drag, haul
托兒所 tuōérsuŏ nursery, child-care center
脫離 tuōlí separate oneself from
拖鞋 tuōxié slippers, sandals, flip-flops
妥善 tuŏshàn appropriate, proper
妥協 tuŏxié come to terms, compromise
inj.: Wah!
particle: formed by linking syllable ending in u-sound and the final particle a
dig, excavate
娃娃 wáwa baby, child, doll
wāi askew, crooked, inclined, devious, underhand
外部 wàibù outside, exterior, surface
外出 wàichū go out
外地 wàidì place other than where one is
外觀 wàiguān outward appearance, exterior
外行 wàiháng unprofessional
外匯 wàihuì foreign exchange
外交 wàijiāo diplomacy, foreign affairs
外界 wàijiè external/outside world, outside
外科 wàikē surgery
外婆 wàipó maternal grandmother
外頭 wàitou outside, out
wān bent, curved, crooked
彎腰 wānyāo bow, hunch, stoop, double over
完畢 wánbì finish, complete
玩具 wánjù toy, plaything
完善 wánshàn perfect, consummate
玩笑 wánxiào joke, jest
完整 wánzhěng complete, integrated, intact
晚輩 wănbèi younger generation, one's juniors
萬一 wànyī just in case, if by any chance
wăng net
網路 wănglù network
wăng go toward
往往 wăngwăng often, frequently
wàng gaze into the distance, expect
威脅 wēixié threat
威脅 wēixié threaten, menace, imperil
wéi surround, enclose ,corral
維持 wéichí keep, preserve
違反 wéifăn violate, transgress, infringe
維護 wéihù safeguard, defend, uphold
危機 wéijī crisis
為難 wéinán create difficulties (for sb.), be in a quandary
維他命 wéitāmìng vitamin
微笑 wéixiào smile
唯一 wéiyī only, sole
為主 wéizhŭ give first place to
尾巴 wěiba tail
偉大 wěidà great, mighty
委託 wěituō authorize, commend, consign
委員 wěiyuán committee member
味(兒) wèi(er) (1) taste, flavour (2) smell, odour (3) delicacies or foods
wèi have not yet
未婚 wèihūn unmarried, single
味精 wèijīng monosodium glutamate, MSG
為了 wèile for, for the sake of, in order to
衛生 wèishēng hygienic
衛生紙 wèishēngzhĭ toilet paper
慰問 wèiwèn comfort, console, convey sympathy/greetings
衛星 wèixīng satellite
位於 wèiyú be located/situated
位置 wèizhì seat, place, position
溫度 wēndù temperature
溫暖 wēnnuăn warm, warm up
溫柔 wēnróu gentle and soft
文法 wénfă grammar, syntax
文件 wénjiàn documents, file
文具 wénjù writing material, writing materials, stationery
文物 wénwù cultural/historical objects/relics
文藝 wényì literature and art
蚊子 wénzi mosquito
wěn a kiss
wěn kiss
wěn firm, stable, steady, staid, sedate
穩定 wěndìng stable, steady
問好 wènhăo send one's regards to, say hello to
問候 wènhòu send one's respects/regards to
hold, grasp
臥房 wòfáng bedroom
臥室 wòshì bedroom
污染 wūrăn pollute, contaminate
not have, there is not
無法 wúfă unable to, cannot
無可奈何 wúkěnàihé have no alternative
無論 wúlùn no matter what/how/etc., regardless
無論如何 wúlùnrúhé in any case, at any rate, no matter what
無情 wúqíng merciless, ruthless
無窮 wúqióng infinite, endless, inexhaustible
無所謂 wúsuŏwèi be indifferent, not matter
無數 wúshù innumerable, countless
無限 wúxiàn infinite, limitless
無意 wúyì have no intention to
舞蹈 wŭdào dance
舞會 wŭhuì dance (party), ball
武器 wŭqì weapon, arms
舞台/臺 wŭtái stage, arena
舞廳 wŭtīng ballroom, dance hall
do not, must not
by mistake
harm, injure, miss (due to delay)
誤點 wùdiăn overdue, be late, be behind schedule, behind schedule, lose, late, delay
誤會 wùhuì misunderstand, mistake
誤會 wùhuì misunderstanding
物價 wùjià commodity prices
物理 wùlǐ physics
物質 wùzhí matter, substance, material
inhale, breathe in, absorb, suck up, attract, draw to oneself
西北 xīběi northwest, the Northwest
西部 xībù western part, the west
吸毒 xīdú take drugs
西方 xīfāng west
西南 xīnán southwest, the Southwest
吸取 xīqŭ absorb, draw, assimilate
犧牲 xīshēng sacrifice oneself, die martyr's death, do sth. at the expense of self or sb. else
吸食 xīshí suck, take in (liquids/narcotics/etc)
吸收 xīshōu absorb, suck up, assimilate, recruit
吸煙 xīyān smoke, smoking
吸引 xīyĭn attract, draw, fascinate
西裝 xīzhuāng Western-style clothes
媳婦 xífù daughter-in-law, wife of sb. of younger generation
喜愛 xĭài like, love, be fond of
喜酒 xĭjiŭ liquor drunk at wedding feast, wedding feast
洗衣粉 xĭyīfěn washing powder for clothes, laundry detergent
drama, play, show
細胞 xìbāo cell
細節 xìjié details, particulars
戲劇 xìjù drama, play, theater
細菌 xìjùn germ, bacterium
系列 xìliè series, set
系統 xìtŏng system
細小 xìxiăo tiny
細心 xìxīn careful, attentive
xiā become blind, become tangled (of thread/etc.)
蝦(子) xiā(zi) shrimp
蝦米 xiāmĭ dried, shelled shrimp, small shrimp
xià frighten, scare, intimidate
xià put sth. into, apply, form (opinion/etc.)
下巴 xiàbā lower jaw, chin
夏季 xiàjì summer
下降 xiàjiàng descend, go/come down, drop, fall, decline
下來 xiàlái used after a verb to indicate motion toward a lower or nearer position
下棋 xiàqí play chess
下去 xiàqù [aspect]go on , continue (used after a verb)
下午茶 xiàwŭchá teatime
嚇一跳 xiàyítiào startle, start
下游 xiàyóu lower reaches (of river)
xiān fresh, new, bright-colored, bright, delicious, tasty
鮮花 xiānhuā fresh flower
現金 xiànjīn ready money, cash, cash reserve in bank
先進 xiānjìn advance
鮮奶 xiānnăi fresh milk
鮮血 xiānxiě fresh blood
xián not busy, unoccupied, not in use, idle
xián dislike, mind
xián salty
顯得 xiănde seem, look, appear
顯然 xiănrán obviously, evidently, clearly
顯示 xiănshì show, display, demonstrate, manifest
顯著 xiănzhù notable, marked, striking, remarkable, outstanding
xiàn thread, string, wire, curved line, line, route
xiàn just, at the time, extempore
現場 xiànchăng scene (of an incident), site, spot
現成 xiànchéng ready-made
現代 xiàndài modern
羨慕 xiànmù admire, envy
現實 xiànshí reality, actuality
現實 xiànshí practical, pragmatic
現象 xiànxiàng phenomenon, appearance
限制 xiànzhì restrictiveness
限制 xiànzhì restrict, confine
xiāng each other, mutually
xiāng box
鄉村 xiāngcūn village, countryside, rural area
香腸 xiāngcháng sausage
相當 xiāngdāng quite, fairly, considerably
相當 xiāngdāng correspond to, be equal to, match, balance
相對 xiāngduì be opposite, be face to face
相反 xiāngfăn opposite, contrary, reverse
相關 xiāngguān be interrelated
相互 xiānghù mutually, reciprocally
香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana
相親相愛 xiāngqīnxiāngài intimate, fond of each other
相似 xiāngsì resemble, be similar/alike
香水 xiāngshuĭ perfume, scent
相同 xiāngtóng be identical/alike
詳細 xiángxì detailed, minute
想不到 xiăngbúdào unable to anticipate
想到 xiăngdào think of, call to mind
想念 xiăngniàn remember with longing, miss
享受 xiăngshòu enjoy
想像 xiăngxiàng imagination
想像 xiăngxiàng imagine, fancy, visualize
響應 xiăngyìng respond, answer
享有 xiăngyŏu enjoy (right/etc.)
xiàng elephant
xiàng (1) Individual measure word for rules, articles, etc; (2) Individual measure word for sport events.
相機 xiàngjī camera
向來 xiànglái always, all along
項目 xiàngmù item, article, clause, project
相片(兒) xiàngpiàn(er) photograph, photo
相親 xiàngqīn get look at prospective spouse
相聲 xiàngshēng cross talk, comic dialogue
巷子 xiàngzi lane, alley
xiāo disappear,vanish
消除 xiāochú to eliminate, to clear, to remove, to clear up
消費 xiāofèi expenditure
消費 xiāofèi consume
消費者 xiāofèizhě consumer
消化 xiāohuà digest
消極 xiāojí negative, passive, inactive
銷路 xiāolù sales, market
消滅 xiāomiè perish, die out, pass away, eliminate, abolish, exterminate
消失 xiāoshī disappear, vanish, dissolve
銷售 xiāoshòu sell, market
消/宵夜 xiāoyè midnight snack
小便 xiăobiàn to urinate
小吃 xiăochī snack, refreshment, cold/prepared dish
曉得 xiăode know
小費 xiăofèi tip, gratuity
小麥 xiăomài wheat
小氣 xiăoqì stingy
小子 xiăozi bloke, boy, guy, fellow
小組 xiăozŭ group
校車 xiàochē school bus
效果 xiàoguŏ effect, result
效率 xiàolǜ efficiency
笑容 xiàoróng a smile, a smiling face
孝順 xiàoshùn show filial obedience
校友 xiàoyŏu alumnus, alumna
校園 xiàoyuán schoolyard, campus
xiē have a rest, stop (work/etc.), knock off, go to bed
xié oblique, inclined, tilted
協助 xiézhù assist, help
xiě blood
血管 xiěguăn blood vessel
血型 xiěxíng blood group/type
血液 xiěyè blood
xiè thank
心得 xīndé what one has learned from work/study/etc.
新郎 xīnláng bridegroom
心理 xīnlĭ psychology, mentality
心目中 xīnmùzhōng mood, frame of mind, memory, mind, mental view
新娘 xīnniáng bride
欣賞 xīnshăng appreciate, enjoy, admire
新生 xīnshēng new student
新式 xīnshì new-style
薪水 xīnshuĭ salary, wages
心跳 xīntiào flutter
新鮮 xīnxiān fresh
心意 xīnyì regard, kindly feeling, intention, purpose
心臟 xīnzàng heart
信號 xìnhào signal
信任 xìnrèn trust, have confidence in
信仰 xìnyăng belief
信仰 xìnyăng believe
信用 xìnyòng trustworthiness, credit
興奮 xīngfèn excited
星光 xīngguāng starlight
形成 xíngchéng take shape, form
行程 xíngchéng route/distance of travel, itinerary, travel
行動 xíngdòng action,operation
行動 xíngdòng move/get about, act, take action
行李 xínglĭ luggage, baggage
行人 xíngrén pedestrian
形容 xíngróng describe
形式 xíngshì form, shape
行為 xíngwéi action, behavior, conduct
形象 xíngxiàng image, form, figure, imagery
形狀 xíngzhuàng form, appearance, shape
xĭng sober up, wake up, be awake, be clear in mind,be striking to the eye
醒來 xĭnglái wake up
性別 xìngbié sexual distinction, sex
幸福 xìngfú happy
性格 xìnggé nature, disposition, temperament
幸好 xìnghăo fortunately, luckily
幸虧 xìngkuī fortunately, luckily
幸運 xìngyùn very fortunate, lucky
性質 xìngzhí quality, nature, character
xiōng fiendish, ferocious, murderous, ruffianize
熊貓 xióngmāo panda
雄偉 xióngwěi imposing, magnificent
xiū embellish, decorate, repair, mend, overhaul, trim, prune
修改 xiūgăi revise, amend, alter
休假 xiūjià have holiday/vacation/leave
修理 xiūlĭ repair, mend, fix
休閒 xiūxián lie fallow
修正 xiūzhèng revise, amend, correct
need, want, require
需求 xūqiú requirement, demand
須知 xūzhī points for attention, notice
promise, allow, permit, to pledge sth.
許願 xŭyuàn wish
宣布/佈 xuānbù declare, proclaim, announce
宣傳 xuānchuán propagandist, publicist
宣傳 xuānchuán propagate, disseminate, give publicity to
xuán hang, suspend
選舉 xuănjŭ election
選手 xuănshŏu player selected as contestant, athlete
學會 xuéhuì learned society, (scholarly) association
學會 xuéhuì learn, master
學歷 xuélì record of formal schooling
學術 xuéshù learning, science
學位 xuéwèi academic degree,degree
學問 xuéwèn learning, knowledge, scholarship
學業 xuéyè one's studies, schoolwork
學院 xuéyuàn college, academy, institute
學者 xuézhě scholar
雪花 xuěhuā snowflake
削減 xuèjiăn cut down, reduce
xún search, seek
循環 xúnhuán circulate, cycle
尋找 xúnzhăo seek, look for
訓練 xùnliàn training
訓練 xùnliàn train, drill
迅速 xùnsù rapid, speedy, prompt
press, push/hold down, control, quell
押金 yājīn deposit
壓力 yālì pressure
壓迫 yāpò oppress, repress, constrict
鴨(子) yā(zi) duck
牙膏 yágāo toothpaste
yān (1)smoke, mist, vapor; (2)tobacco, cigarette, opium
煙火 yānhuŏ fireworks
沿 yán along
yán tight, strict, rigorous
鹽巴 yánbā salt
延長 yáncháng lengthen, prolong, extend
嚴格 yángé strict, rigorous
嚴肅 yánsù serious, solemn
yăn act, play, perform, develop, evolve
演唱 yănchàng sing in performance
演出 yănchū show, perform
掩蓋 yăngài cover
眼光 yănguāng eye, sight, foresight, insight, vision, view, way of looking at things
演講 yănjiăng lecture, make speech
眼淚 yănlèi tears
眼前 yănqián before one's eyes
演員 yănyuán performer
演奏 yănzòu give instrumental performance
宴會 yànhuì banquet, dinner party
厭惡 yànwù detest,be disgusted with
陽傘 yángsăn parasol, sunshade
yăng support,provide for,raise,maintain,give birth to,form,cultivate,rest,recuperate
yăng tickle, itch
氧氣 yăngqì oxygen
樣品 yàngpĭn sample (product), specimen
yāo particle: expressing exclamation/warning/negative evaluation/etc.
yāo waist, waist of a garment, middle part
邀請 yāoqĭng invite
yáo shake, wave, scull, row, agitate
搖擺 yáobăi sway, swing, oscillate
搖頭 yáotóu shake one's head
yăo bite, snap at
要不 yàobù otherwise, or else, or
要不然 yàobùrán otherwise, or else, or
要不是 yàobúshì if it were not for, but for
藥方 yàofāng prescription
藥房 yàofáng drugstore, pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, dispensary
要命 yàomìng darned, kill, drive sb. to death
藥水 yàoshuĭ liquid medicine, lotion
藥物 yàowù drugs, medicine
wild, undomesticated
野餐 yěcān picnic
也好 yěhăo (1) no matter whether, may as well, that's fine; (2) particle: showing hesitant acceptance
野獸 yěshòu wild animal
野心 yěxīn wild ambition, careerism
夜市 yèshì night market
夜晚 yèwăn evening
業務 yèwù professional work, business
業餘 yèyú amateur
葉子 yèzi leaf
cure, treat
衣櫃 yīguì dresser
依據 yījù basis, foundation
依靠 yīkào rely/depend on
依然 yīrán still, as before
衣裳 yīshang clothing, clothes
醫師 yīshī doctor
醫學 yīxué medical science, medicine
一一 yīyī one by one, one after another
move, remove, shift, transform, change, alter
一大早 yídàzăo
一帶 yídài district, region
移動 yídòng move, shift
一面 yímiàn along, while
移民 yímín emigrate
儀器 yíqì instrument, apparatus
儀式 yíshì ceremony, rite
疑問 yíwèn question, doubt
一向 yíxiàng consistently, all along, up to now
一再 yízài time and again, again and again
一陣(子) yízhèn(zi) a burst, a fit, a peal
一致 yízhì identical, unanimous
second, second of the ten Heavenly Stems
in order to, so as to
using, taking, from a point on, because of
以便 yĭbiàn so that, in order to
以及 yĭjí and
以來 yĭlái since
以免 yĭmiăn in order to avoid, so as not to
以內 yĭnèi within, less than
以上 yĭshàng above
以上 yĭshàng the above/foregoing/above-mentioned
以外 yĭwài beyond, outside, other than, except
以往 yĭwăng before, formerly, in the past
以下 yĭxià under the condition of, under, beneath, below
以下 yĭxià the following, hereafter
hundred million
一般 yìbān generally
一般而言 yìbānéryán in general, generally speaking
一般來說 yìbānláishuō in general, generally speaking
一方面 yìfāngmiàn one aspect only, on the one hand
議會 yìhuì parliament, legislative assembly
一口氣 yìkŏuqì at a heat, at one blast,at a whack, holus-bolus
一連 yìlián successively, in succession, running
一旁 yìpáng side
一齊 yìqí simultaneously, in unison, together
一生 yìshēng all/throughout one's life
一時 yìshí for a time, temporarily, a moment
意識 yìshì consciousness, mentality
藝術 yìshù art
一天到晚 yìtiāndàowăn all day long
一同 yìtóng together
意外 yìwài accident, mishap
意外 yìwài unexpected, unforeseen
義務 yìwù duty, obligation, volunteer duty
意義 yìyì meaning, sense, significance
意志 yìzhì will, determination
因此 yīncǐ therefore, consequently
因素 yīnsù factor, element
音響 yīnxiăng stereo, hi-fi
yín silver
yĭn drink, swallow (insults/etc.), be hit (by bullet/etc.)
引發 yĭnfā evoke
引起 yĭnqĭ give rise to, lead to
飲食 yĭnshí food and drink, diet
yìn print, engrave
印刷 yìnshuā print
印象 yìnxiàng impression
印章 yìnzhāng seal, signet, stamp
應當 yīngdāng should, ought to
嬰兒 yīngér baby, infant
應該 yīnggāi right, proper
英俊 yīngjùn handsome
英雄 yīngxióng hero
yíng gain, win
贏得 yíngdé win, gain
迎接 yíngjiē meet, welcome
營養 yíngyăng nutritive, alimental
營養 yíngyăng nutrition, nourishment
營業 yíngyè do business
影本 yĭngběn copy
影片 yĭngpiàn film, movie
影印 yĭngyìn print by photo-offset, photocopy
影子 yĭngzi shadow, trace, sign, vague impression
yìng hard, stiff, firm, tough, obstinate
應付 yìngfù deal/cope with,handle, do sth. perfunctorily, make do
應邀 yìngyāo receive an invitation
應用 yìngyòng apply, use
優點 yōudiăn merit, strong/good point, advantage
優惠 yōuhuì give preferential/special treatment
優良 yōuliáng fine, good
優美 yōuměi graceful, exquisite
幽默 yōumò humor
優秀 yōuxiù outstanding, excellent
優越 yōuyuè superior, outstanding
yóu from, via, by, through, owing/due to
yóu swim, float, travel, rove
郵差 yóuchāi postman
郵件 yóujiàn postal items, post,mail
遊客 yóukè tourist, sightseer
遊戲 yóuxì recreation, game
遊戲 yóuxì play
遊行 yóuxíng parade, march, demonstrate
由於 yóuyú owing/due/thanks to
有關 yŏuguān with regard to
有關 yŏuguān be related
友好 yŏuhăo friendly, amicable
有力 yŏulì strong, forceful, powerful
有利 yŏulì be advantageous/beneficial
有時 yŏushí sometimes, at times
有效 yŏuxiào efficacious, effective, valid
有些 yŏuxiē somewhat, rather
有些 yŏuxiē some
友誼 yŏuyí friendship
擁抱 yōngbào embrace
勇敢 yŏnggăn brave, courageous
擁護 yŏnghù support, endorse
擁擠 yōngjĭ crowded, pushed and squeezed together
勇氣 yŏngqì courage, nerve
擁有 yŏngyŏu possess, have, own
用不著 yòngbùzháo not need, have no use for
用處 yòngchù use, practical application
用得著 yòngdezháo
用法 yòngfă use, usage
用具 yòngjù utensil, appliance
用力 yònglì exert self (physically)
用品 yòngpĭn articles for use
用心 yòngxīn be diligent/attentive
愉快 yúkuài be happy, be cheerful
娛樂 yúlè amusement, entertainment, recreation
於是 yúshì thereupon, hence, consequently, as a result
語調 yŭdiào intonation
與其 yŭqí rather than
語氣 yŭqì tone, manner of speaking, mood,modality
雨衣 yŭyī raincoat
語音 yŭyīn speech sounds, speech sounds, spoken (vs. written) pronunciation of characters
meet, encounter, treat, receive
預報 yùbào forecast
預定 yùdìng predetermine, schedule
預計 yùjì predict, expect
遇見 yùjiàn meet, come across
預算 yùsuàn budget
浴室 yùshì bathroom, shower room
預先 yùxiān in advance, beforehand
yūn faint
允許 yŭnxŭ permit, allow
運氣 yùnqì fortune, luck
運送 yùnsòng transport, convey
運輸 yùnshū transport
運用 yùnyòng utilize, wield, apply
運轉 yùnzhuăn revolve, turn round, work, operate
冤枉 yuānwăng treat unjustly
元旦 yuándàn New Year's Day
員工 yuángōng staff, personnel
緣故 yuángù reason, cause
原來 yuánlái original
原理 yuánlĭ principle, tenet
原料 yuánliào raw material
圓滿 yuánmăn satisfactory
原始 yuánshĭ original, firsthand, primeval, primitive
原先 yuánxiān originally, at first
圓形 yuánxíng circular shape
原則 yuánzé principle
原則上 yuánzéshàng basically, in principle
原子筆 yuánzĭbĭ ball-point pen
遠大 yuăndà great
yuàn wish, desire
願望 yuànwàng desire, wish, aspiration
yuē about, around
約好 yuēhăo come to an agreement
約會 yuēhuì make an appointment
約會 yuēhuì appointment, engagement, date
月餅 yuèbĭng moon cake
月底 yuèdĭ the end of the month
閱讀 yuèdú read
月份 yuèfèn month
月光 yuèguāng moonlight, moonbeam
樂器 yuèqì musical instrument
月球 yuèqiú moon
樂團 yuètuán philharmonic society/orchestra
pound, ram, break, smash, fail, bungle
mix, mingle
雜誌 zázhì magazine, journal, periodical
災害 zāihài calamity, disaster
災難 zāinàn calamity, misfortune
zài (1)transport, fill; (2)put down in writing, record
zài be at/in/on
再度 zàidù once more/again, second time
在乎 zàihū care about, mind
再說 zàishuō furthermore, besides
在意 zàiyì pay attention to
在於 zàiyú be at/in/on, depend on, rest with
咱們 zánmen we, you and I
贊成 zànchéng approve, endorse, assist
讚美 zànměi praise, eulogize
葬禮 zànglĭ funeral rites, funeral
zāo rotten, spoiled (lit./fig.)
遭到 zāodào meet with, encounter
糟糕 zāogāo What a mess! ; Too bad!
遭受 zāoshòu suffer
遭遇 zāoyù vicissitudes of life
zăo early, long ago, in advance, beforehand, prematurely
早晨 zăochén early morning
早點 zăodiăn in advance, a bit earlier
早點 zăodiăn breakfast
早期 zăoqí early stage/phase
早日 zăorì at an early date, early, soon
早晚 zăowăn sooner or later
早已 zăoyĭ long ago/since
zào make, build, create, establish, concoct, fabricate
造成 zàochéng create, bring about
造句 zàojù make a sentence
噪音 zàoyīn noise
Measure word forshort articles, such as news, jokes, etc.
then, in that case
責任 zérèn duty, responsibility
zěn why, how
增長 zēngzhăng become longer
贈品 zèngpĭn giveway, gift
贈送 zèngsòng present as gift
zhá blow up, explode, burst
zhăi narrow, petty, hard up
展出 zhănchū exhibit
展開 zhănkāi launch, develop
展覽 zhănlăn exhibition
展覽 zhănlăn exhibit, show, display
展示 zhănshì reveal, lay bare
占/佔 zhàn occupy, take
占/佔 zhàn constitute, make up, account for
戰場 zhànchăng battlefield
暫時 zhànshí temporarily
占/佔有 zhànyŏu own, have, occupy, hold
戰爭 zhànzhēng war, warfare
站住 zhànzhù stop
zhāng stretch, spread, expand, display, set out
zhāng m.[general]: chapter
zhăng (1) older, elder, eldest, senior; (2) grow, grow up, increase
zhăng rise, go up (of water/prices/etc.)
漲價 zhăngjià rise in price
掌聲 zhăngshēng clapping, applause
掌握 zhăngwò grasp, master, have in hand, control
障礙 zhàngài obstacle, barrier
帳單 zhàngdān reckoning, tab, invoice, account, bill, check, chit
丈夫 zhàngfū husband
招待 zhāodài receive (guests), serve (customers)
招呼 zhāohū say hello to
招牌 zhāopái shop sign, signboard
招手 zhāoshŏu beckon, wave, wave one's hand
zhào in the same old way, as before
照常 zhàocháng as usual
召開 zhàokāi convene, convoke
zhé break, snap, fold, bend, turn back, humiliate
折合 zhéhé convert into, amount to
折扣 zhékòu discount, rebate
折磨 zhémó persecute, torment
哲學 zhéxué philosophy
zhě nominal suffix, one who, -er
zhè immediately
這下子 zhèxiàzi at present
這樣子 zhèyàngzi such, so,
這樣子 zhèyàngzi like this
這陣子 zhèzhènzi these days, lately, recently
zhēn needle, pin, stitch
真的 zhēnde really, truly, indeed
針對 zhēnduì in the light of, in connection with
珍貴 zhēnguì valuable, precious
真理 zhēnlĭ truth
真實 zhēnshí true, real, authentic, factual
真是 zhēnshì really
偵探 zhēntàn detective, spy
真心 zhēnxīn true heart, sincerity
真心 zhēnxīn sincere, genuine, true
枕頭 zhěntóu pillow
zhèn Measure word to indicate a period of time an action lasts or for the period of an action that happens suddenly.
震動 zhèndòng shake, shock, vibrate
陣子 zhènzi period of time
zhēng contend, vie, argue, disagree
zhēng open (the eyes)
睜開 zhēngkāi open (the eyes)
爭論 zhēnglùn controvert, dispute
徵求 zhēngqiú solicit, seek
爭取 zhēngqŭ strive/fight for
正月 zhēngyuè first month of lunar year
zhěng put in order, arrange, consolidate, repair, mend, do, to teach a lesson, punish
zhěng exact
zhěng put in order, arrange, consolidate, repair, mend, do, to teach a lesson, punish
整潔 zhěngjié clean and tidy, neat
整理 zhěnglĭ put in order, arrange
整數 zhěngshù integer, whole number,r ound number/figure
zhèng straight, upright, central, honest, just, unbiased
政策 zhèngcè policy
政黨 zhèngdăng political party
正方形 zhèngfāngxíng square
政府 zhèngfŭ government
正好 zhènghăo just right, at the right moment
正好 zhènghăo just, exactly
證件 zhèngjiàn credentials, papers, document, certificate
正經 zhèngjīng serious
證據 zhèngjù evidence, proof, testimony
正面 zhèngmiàn obverse/right side, front, facade
證明 zhèngmíng certificate, identification, testimonial, proof
證明 zhèngmíng prove, testify, bear out
證實 zhèngshí confirm, verify
正式 zhèngshì formal (of actions/speeches/etc.)
證書 zhèngshū certificate, credentials
政治 zhèngzhì politics, political affairs
症狀 zhèngzhuàng symptom
zhī know, realize, sense, inform, notify
zhī it, him, her, this, that, these, those
zhī possessive particle of
zhī Individual measure word for troops, etc.
支持 zhīchí support, stand by, back up
支出 zhīchū to spend, to disburse
之後 zhīhòu later, behind, at the back of, after
之間 zhījiān the midst of
之間 zhījiān among, between
支票 zhīpiào (bank) check
知識 zhīshì knowledge
支援 zhīyuán support, assist, help
zhí (1) be worth; (2) happen
zhí throw, cast, fling, hurl
zhí directly, straight, continuously, just, simply
直到 zhídào until, up to
直接 zhíjiē direct, immediate
殖民地 zhímíndì colony
職位 zhíwèi position, post
植物 zhíwù plant, flora
直線 zhíxiàn sharp (rise or fall)
執行 zhíxíng carry out, execute
職業 zhíyè occupation,profession,vocation
職員 zhíyuán office worker, staff member, functionary
zhĭ stop
zhĭ Individual measure word for box, watch or ring.
zhĭ refer to
指出 zhĭchū point out (that)
指導 zhĭdăo guide, direct
指定 zhĭdìng appoint, assign
指示 zhĭshì directive, instructions
指示 zhĭshì indicate, point out, instruct
只是 zhĭshì however, but then
只是 zhĭshì merely, only, just, simply be
只有 zhĭyŏu only, alone
紙張 zhĭzhāng paper
zhì treat (disease), cure
zhì arrive, reach
制定 zhìdìng formulate, draft
制度 zhìdù system, institution
智慧 zhìhuì wisdom, intelligence
志氣 zhìqì aspiration, ambition
至少 zhìshăo at (the) least
秩序 zhìxù order
至於 zhìyú as for/to
志願 zhìyuàn aspiration, wish, ideal
製造 zhìzào make, manufacture, engineer, create, fabricate
製作 zhìzuò make, manufacture
制止 zhìzhĭ curb, prevent, stop
zhōng [aspect] (used after a verb to indicate continuity) in the course of, in the process of
中部 zhōngbù the midland, central section, middle
中級 zhōngjí intermediate
中年 zhōngnián middle age
中途 zhōngtú halfway, midway
中央 zhōngyāng central authorities (of state/party/etc.)
中藥 zhōngyào traditional Chinese medicine
終於 zhōngyú at long last, finally, all things considered, on the whole
zhŏng swell
種類 zhŏnglèi kind, type, variety
種子 zhŏngzĭ seed
種族 zhŏngzú race, ethnic group
zhōng hit (target), attain, be hit by, pass an exam
zhòng value, put emphasis/stress on
重大 zhòngdà great, weighty, major, significant
重點 zhòngdiăn focal point, stress, emphasis
中毒 zhòngdú poison, taint, be poisoned
重量 zhòngliàng weight
重傷 zhòngshāng severely injured
重傷 zhòngshāng serious wound
重視 zhòngshì attach importance to, take sth. seriously, value
重心 zhòngxīn center of gravity, heart, core, focus
zhōu gruel, porridge, congee
zhōu administrative division
周/週 zhōu Measure word for times of going around something, such as earth, islands, etc.
周到 zhōudào thoughtful
周圍 zhōuwéi vicinity, surrounding, all around
逐漸 zhújiàn gradually, by degrees
竹子 zhúzi bamboo
主辦 zhŭbàn direct, sponsor, host
主持 zhŭchí take charge/care of, manage, direct, uphold, stand for
主動 zhŭdòng on one's own initiative
主婦 zhŭfù housewife, hostess
主觀 zhŭguān subjective
主管 zhŭguăn person in charge
主題 zhŭtí theme, subject, motif, leitmotiv
主席 zhŭxí chair (of meeting), chair/president (of organization/state)
主要 zhŭyào mainly, essentially
主張 zhŭzhāng view,position, stand, proposition
主張 zhŭzhāng advocate, stand for, maintain, hold
zhù help, assist, aid
註冊 zhùcè register
祝福 zhùfú new year's sacrifice (in part of Zhejiang)
祝福 zhùfú invoke blessing, wish happiness to
祝賀 zhùhè congratulate
助理 zhùlĭ assistant
著名 zhùmíng famous, celebrated
注射 zhùshè inject
住院 zhùyuàn be hospitalized
住宅 zhùzhái residence, dwelling
住址 zhùzhĭ address
zhuā grab, seize, arrest, catch, press-gang, pay special attention to, be responsible for, take charge of
專家 zhuānjiā expert, specialist
專利 zhuānlì patent
專門 zhuānmén professional
專門 zhuānmén special, specialized
專人 zhuānrén person specially assigned for a task/job
專心 zhuānxīn be absorbed in, concentrate effort
專業 zhuānyè special field of research, specialty, discipline
專業 zhuānyè professional
zhuăn turn, revolve, rotate
zhuàn turn, shift, change
轉變 zhuănbiàn change, transform
轉播 zhuănbò relay (radio/TV broadcast)
轉達 zhuăndá pass on, convey, communicate
轉告 zhuăngào transmit (message), communicate, pass on (word)
轉機 zhuănjī change planes
轉身 zhuănshēn face about, turn round
轉向 zhuănxiàng change direction, change (political/etc.) stand
zhuàn make profit, gain, earn
裝飾 zhuāngshì decorate, adorn, ornament, deck
zhuàng strong, robust, sturdy, magnificent
zhuàng run into, strike, collide
狀況 zhuàngkuàng condition/state (of affairs)
狀態 zhuàngtài state (of affairs), condition
zhuī to chase after, to pursue
追求 zhuīqiú seek, pursue, woo, court
zhŭn accurate, exact
zhŭn allow, grant, permit
准考證/証 zhŭnkăozhèng admission ticket
準確 zhŭnquè accurate, exact, precise
準時 zhŭnshí punctually
zhuō clutch, hold, grasp, catch, capture
zhuō a table of
zhuó put on (clothes)
資本 zīběn capital, sth. capitalized on
資格 zīgé qualifications, seniority
資金 zījīn fund
資源 zīyuán natural resources
purpleness, purple, empurpled
子女 zĭnǚ sons and daughters, children
仔細 zĭxì be careful
自從 zìcóng since
自動 zìdòng automatic
自來水 zìláishuĭ running/tap water
字母 zìmŭ letter of an alphabet, letter
字幕 zìmù caption, subtitle
自然 zìrán natural, free from affectation
自然 zìrán nature, natural world
自私 zìsī selfish, self-centered
自殺 zìshā commit suicide
自我 zìwǒ self, oneself
自信 zìxìn be self-confident
自行車 zìxíngchē bicycle, bike
自願 zìyuàn act voluntarily
自在 zìzài free, unrestrained
自主 zìzhŭ be one's own master, take initiative
宗教 zōngjiào religion
zǒng always, invariably, anyway, after all, inevitably, sooner or later
總而言之 zǒngéryánzhī in short, in a word
總共 zǒnggòng in all, altogether
總理 zǒnglĭ premier, prime minister
總算 zǒngsuàn at long last, finally
總之 zǒngzhī in a word, in short
綜合 zònghé synthetical, comprehensive, multiple, composite
綜合 zònghé synthesize
走道 zǒudào sidewalk
走私 zǒusī smuggle
走走 zǒuzǒu (1)go for a stroll; (2) come or go in a general sense
rent,rent out
足以 zúyĭ sufficient/enough to
Measure word for groups of people, or sets of something.
form, make up (into), compose
阻礙 zŭài hinder, block, impede, bar
祖父 zŭfù (paternal) grandfather
祖國 zŭguó homeland, native land
祖母 zŭmŭ (paternal) grandmother
祖先 zŭxiān ancestors, forebears
組織 zŭzhī (1)organization, organized system; (2) tissue, nerve
阻止 zŭzhĭ prevent, stop, prohibit
zuān bore, drill
zuì crime, transgression, sin, offense, peccancy, guilt
zuì tipsy, intoxicated, inebriate, drunk
最初 zuìchū initially, at first
最多 zuìduō at (the) most
最佳 zuìjiā optimum, best, first-rate
最少 zuìshăo at least
尊敬 zūnjìng respect, honor, esteem
遵守 zūnshŏu observe, abide by
尊重 zūnzhòng respect, value, esteem
左右 zuŏyòu left and right
左右 zuŏyòu nearby, not far away
zuò Individual measure word for buildings.
zuò regard as, take sb. or sth. for, act as, be, become
zuò be ,become, be used as
做/作法 zuòfă way of doing or making a thing, method of work, practice
作家 zuòjiā writer
做客 zuòkè stay, be a guest
做夢 zuòmèng dream
作品 zuòpĭn works (of literature/art)
做人 zuòrén conduct oneself, behave, be an upright person
作為 zuòwéi regard as, look on as, take for
座位 zuòwèi seat, place
作文 zuòwén write an essay, a composition, an article, to compose
作文 zuòwén composition
作用 zuòyòng action, function, effect, intention, motive
作者 zuòzhě author, writer